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词汇 brilliant
例句 The reason their cars sold so well was that they had a brilliant marketing strategy.他们的汽车之所以销路这么好,是因为他们的营销策略非常出色。She is known as a great/brilliant/gifted innovator in her field.她是这一领域知名的伟天/杰出/天才革新者。This exercise is brilliant for getting rid of flabby tums.这个练习对减除小肚子上的赘肉极为有效。He's renowned as a brilliant speaker.他口才出众是出了名的。In the exam she rose to the occasion and wrote a brilliant essay.在考试中,她临场发挥写出了一篇非常出色的文章。He made a brilliant save.他精彩地救了一球。What a brilliant idea!多棒的主意啊!The coloratura was brilliant and smooth.这段花腔唱段优美流畅。I was captivated by her brilliant mind.我为她的聪慧所倾倒。He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper.他是个出色的运动员,弹跳力非常好。Paganini was a brilliant violinist, famous for his technical skill in both playing and composing music.帕格尼尼是一位卓越的小提琴演奏家,演奏和作曲技巧都享有盛名。The stars were brilliant, studding a black dome.星光灿烂,点缀着黑色的苍穹。He was a brilliant student as a freshman, but turned out to be only a morning glory.他大学一年级时是个很出色的学生,但后来证明只是昙花一现。You can expect her progress at school to be gradual rather than brilliant.你可以指望她在学习上循序渐进,但别指望她突飞猛进。He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind.他善于发现问题,并总能想出高明的策略。His record in school was always respectable but never brilliant.他在学校的成绩一向还可以,但决不到出色的程度。She was a brilliant tactician, a skilled negotiator.她是一位杰出的谋略家和老练的谈判家。She was a fiery, brilliant, and unyielding intellectual and politician.她是个满怀激情、才华横溢且坚韧不拔的知识分子兼政治家。It was a brilliant documentary. I sat absolutely riveted from beginning to end.那部纪录片精彩极了,我从头至尾都看得兴趣盎然。His brilliant career was in ruins.他的光辉事业尽毁。I had a brilliant idea.我有一个绝妙的主意。He wowed audiences and other musicians with his brilliant trumpet playing.他精彩的小号表演博得了观众和其他音乐家的喝彩。Jackie was running around with all these brilliant people.杰姬混迹于这些才华横溢的人之间。It is a brilliant film. You really must see it.这部电影精彩极了。你真的一定要去看看。Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions.工程师们花费很多时间和精力来开发完美的解决方案。Morris was proud to be part of such a brilliant team.莫里斯为自己是那么出色的队伍中的一员而骄傲。There's a brilliant coup de théâtre at the end of the play.这部戏剧结尾的时候有一个精彩的剧情突变。Chinese military history is starred with the brilliant sagas of great soldiers.中国军事史闪耀着伟大战士们的光辉业绩。Aristotle was Plato's most brilliant pupil.亚里士多德是柏拉图最杰出的门生。The book contains some brilliant writing.这本书收录了一些优秀的文学作品。It was a brilliant performance if ever there was one.毋庸置疑,这是一场非常精彩的演出。There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.杰出的飞机设计师没有理由一定也是个出色的飞行员。同样,一个优秀的飞行员或许会是个糟糕的司机。A shaft of brilliant sunlight shone through the dusty attic window.一束灿烂的阳光穿过了满是灰尘的阁楼窗户。He's a great player, with brilliant technique.他是个伟大的球员,球技十分精湛。Their live show was brilliant.他们的现场演出好极了。She was dressed in brilliant white.她穿着一身耀眼的白色。He was also a brilliant propagandist for free trade.他也是自由贸易杰出的倡导宣传者。The film was a brilliant parody of American life.这部电影是对美国生活的精彩戏仿。That bit at the beginning of the film was brilliant.电影开头的那一段精彩极了。We had a brilliant time at the circus.我们在马戏团玩得非常开心。




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