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The question was so unexpected that, for a moment, arthur was at a loss how to reply to it.问题如此出人意料,以致阿瑟一时不知怎样回答才好。Isabel rose so abruptly that she knocked down her chair.伊莎贝尔起得太急了,以致碰倒了她坐的椅子。She became so morose and despotic, that her rule became intolerable.她变得如此孤僻和专横,以致她的统治让人无法忍受。As a result of the crash, the remains of the vehicles were distorted out of all recognition.这些车辆因为撞击的缘故都变形了,以致无法辨认。Susan had so many things to do that she could not do justice to her lessons.苏珊要做的事太多以致没有好好做作业。He employed such Procrustean methods that modern historians have even likened him to Adolf Hitler.他使用了如此残忍的强迫方法,以致现代史学家甚至把他比作阿道夫·希特勒。Tiredness on the part of the driver caused him to make such regrettable errors.司机太疲劳了,以致犯下此类令人遗憾的错误。When rates of inflation get out of hand, financial markets often break down.当通货膨胀迅猛异常以致失去控制时,金融市场就常常会陷入崩溃之中。You're so eager to stay in the good graces of the King that nothing else matters to you.你如此急于博得国王的欢心,以致其他事情都不管不顾了。Dress the wound quickly, to reduce the length of time it is exposed to infection.赶快包扎伤口,以缩短其暴露于外以致受感染的时间。He copied the text carelessly so that it was corrupted.他抄写原文时很粗心,以致出现讹误。He gets lost in his writing, the characters become him or vice versa.他常常一写就入神,以致笔下的人物变成了他自己,或是他自己变成了笔下的人物。He was hung up at the office and missed his train.他在办公室里耽搁了一些时间,以致没有赶上火车。We've spent so much time together that we've picked up each other's mannerisms.我们相处了这么久,以致相互沾染了对方的癖性。He said such ridiculous things that he was often the target of lampoons in the press.他说的话十分可笑,以致常成为新闻界嘲讽的靶子。He sang so badly that the audience booed him.他唱得实在太糟糕以致听众向他喝倒彩。It was so quiet everywhere that they could hear the boy's sniffles.到处都很安静,以致他们听得见这男孩用鼻子吸气的声音。His influence is so strong that crowds of followers freeze on to him wherever he goes.他的影响如此之大,以致每到一处就有一群群追随者紧跟着他。So incensed did I become at this that I slammed the door in his face.我对此如此愤怒,以致当着他的面砰地摔上门。He's not the nervy, anxious type who suffers from the yips.他不是那种会紧张不安以致颤搐的选手。Business was so good he felt he could kick the customers around a little.生意如此兴隆,以致他认为稍许怠慢一下顾客也无妨。 The cities have grown so crowded that the population is spilling over into new towns.城市拥挤不堪,以致居民外流到新的城镇。The speed of economic change has been so great that the tax-collecting system has been unable to cope.经济变化得如此之快,以致税收系统都应付不过来了。The ink had faded so that many words were illegible.墨水颜色褪了,以致许多词难以辨认。He had that confidence in himself that he did not consult anybody.他是那样的自信,以致未曾请教任何人。Morris was so stunned by this that he experienced a moment of total disorientation.莫里斯因此大为震惊,以致一度无所适从。He gives himself such airs that everyone dislikes him.他那么爱摆架子以致大家都不喜欢他。The temperature rose to such an extent that all the firemen were forced to leave the burning house.温度太高,以致所有消防队员被迫离开那座燃烧的房屋。They were both so oiled they could hardly walk straight.他们俩喝得烂醉,以致走路都歪歪斜斜了。The soup was so hot that it burned my mouth.这汤很热,以致烫伤了我的嘴。Gary was too drunk to remember what had happened that night.加里醉得很厉害,以致无法记起当晚发生的事。Some of his statements are so incorrect that they border on fraudulence.他的某些说法非常不正确以致近乎欺诈。A disastrous attempt to expand left the airline deep in debt.这家航空公司试图扩展业务但未能成功,以致债台高筑。Lack of proper food led to much illness among seamen.海员因缺乏恰当的饮食以致经常患病。The streams rose so rapidly that we could hardly ford them.溪水上涨很快以致我们无法涉水过去。He spoke in such a manner as to offend them.他用这种方式讲话,以致冒犯了他们。Her divorce screwed her up so badly that she had to go to a shrink.离婚使她精神失常,以致不得不去找精神病医生。She is so designing that you cannot help questioning her motives.她如此诡计多端,以致你不能不怀疑她的动机。They tempered their demands and we were able to accept most of them.他们把要求降低了一些,以致大部分能为我们所接受。My feet were sometimes so painful and swollen that I could not wear shoes.有时我的双脚疼痛,肿得非常厉害,以致鞋都穿不了。 |