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词汇 代为
例句 The company was to be held in trust for Eddie until he came of age.在埃迪达到法定年龄之前,该公司将委托他人代为经营。If you are on a package holiday, your travel company's rep should act on your behalf.如果你是参加包价旅游,你的旅行社代表将代为行事。Our practice is to delegate proxy voting to managers.我们的做法是委托管理人代为投票。Please give/send my respects to your parents. 代为问候你的父母。His novels reject chronology as an organizing principle.他的小说放弃了以年代为序的布局原则。Hampton had been given the bills for safekeeping by a business partner.一个生意伙伴曾将账单交给汉普顿代为保管。The President could not attend the meeting, so the Vice President is sitting in. = The Vice President is sitting in for the President.由于总统无法出席会议,副总统将代为出席。My compliments to your father!向你父亲代为致意! Maggie held the fort when her mother was away.母亲外出时,玛姬代为照料一切。I look after the reading room when he goes away.他离开时由我代为照管阅览室。His two kids are being baby-sat by his mother.他的两个孩子正由他母亲代为照看。They asked a friend to house-sit for them while they were away.他们外出期间请一个朋友代为照看房子。The novel is a historical saga, set in Tudor times.这是一部历史长篇小说,以都铎王朝时代为背景。He can't cope and dumps his two teenage boys on them to be looked after.他应付不过来,只能将他那两个十多岁的儿子交给他们代为照看。His business partner is holding the fort while he is away.他不在的时候,他的生意合伙人代为处理日常事务。All the carpets we sell are fitted free.我们出售的所有地毯都免费代为铺设。My compliments to the chef.请向厨师代为致意!They asked a friend to house-sit their apartment for them while they were away.他们外出期间请一个朋友代为照看房子。Those not attending the meeting may vote by proxy.那些未出席会议的人可请他人代为投票。I addressed their letters in care of the bars and clubs where I'd known them.我把写给他们的信寄往我们结识时的酒吧和俱乐部,请它们代为转交。The goods were consigned to him.货物已发送给他代为出售。Martin had become Howard Cosell's surrogate son.马丁代为当起了霍华德·科塞尔的儿子。




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