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词汇 ring true
例句 Her explanation didn't ring true. = Her explanation rang false. 她的解释听起来不真实。One of the jurors said that Hill's explanation just didn't ring true.其中的一位陪审员说,希尔的解释听上去根本就不真实。It was a possible explanation, but it didn't quite ring true.这也许是个理由,但听上去不像是真的。Something about his explanation didn't quite ring true.他的解释听起来有点不太真实。The policeman felt that my story didn't ring true.警察觉得我的话听起来不真实。Her story just didn't ring true.她的故事怎么都不像真的。There was something odd about her story, something that didn't ring true.她的说法有点怪,听起来不真实。Her explanations didn't ring true.她的解释听起来不像是实话。




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