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词汇 riot
例句 When the teacher left the room the children ran riot.教师一离开教室,孩子们就闹开了。The police moved swiftly to prevent a riot.警察迅速采取行动防止骚乱。The virus can run riot through your body.病毒会在你的体内蔓延滋生。The situation in the city centre is getting increasingly confused, and riot police have been told to stand by.市中心的情况越来越混乱,防暴警察已接到命令要严阵以待。Some of the stores are having a shoe riot.有几家店铺在举行鞋子大减价。She made irresponsible comments that helped cause the riot.她不负责任的言辞助推了这场暴乱的发生。Many plainclothes policemen were ordered back into uniform for temporary riot duty.许多便衣警探奉命重新穿上警服,暂时执行防暴任务。 Police in riot gear broke up the protest.全副武装的防暴警察制止了这次抗议行动。The garden was a riot of color in summer.夏天花园里五彩缤纷。His boss read him the riot act for making careless mistakes.他的老板严厉警告他别再犯粗心大意的错。Local youths ran riot after the attack.攻击事件发生后,当地青年开始闹事。The riot was inspired by extremists.暴乱是由极端主义者鼓动的。The youth shot the riot police during the scuffle.这小伙子在混战中向防暴警察开了枪。The protest march developed into a riot.抗议游行发展成为一场暴乱。Ranks of police in riot gear stood nervously by.一队队防暴警察紧张待命。Britain's worst jail riot will force a fundamental reappraisal of prison policy.英国最严重的监狱暴动会迫使政府对监狱政策进行彻底的重新评估。The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability.这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。I met Mike's brother for the first time - he's a riot.我是第一次见到迈克的哥哥——他真是风趣极了。There was another riot at the men's detention center yesterday.昨天男子拘留中心又发生骚乱。He'd put up with a lot of bad behaviour from his son and thought it was time to read him the riot act.对于儿子的很多不良行为他一直持容忍态度,但他觉得是该严厉警告他收敛一些的时候了。His ejection from the hall caused a riot.他被逐出会场,引起一场骚动。The garden was a riot of colour.花园里五彩缤纷。They were arrested and charged with inciting a riot.他们被逮捕并被指控煽动暴乱。The arrival of the police gave the riot its quietus.警察赶到制止了骚乱。Police officers have been equipped with batons and riot shields in preparation for tonight's match.警察为今晚的比赛配备了警棍和防暴盾。Four men were arrested for inciting the riot.四名男子因煽动暴乱而被捕。The governor has called out troops to help control the riot.州长已调动军队协助控制骚乱。Police in riot gear dispersed the demonstration.防暴警察驱散了示威人群。The plague was running riot in Europe.当时鼠疫正在欧洲肆虐。He was blooded in the riot there.他在那里的暴动中初次经受血的洗礼。Their coverage of the riot was criticized for ignoring its causes.他们对那场骚乱的报道因忽略了其起因而受到了批评。Anti-riot squads were called out to deal with the situation.几个防暴分队被叫去处理这一情况。The police were called in to quell the riot that ensued.警察被召来平息之后发生的暴乱。Police tried to restore calm after the riot.暴乱之后,警方尽力让时局恢复平静。The weeds have run riot over our poor garden. 我们倒霉的花园里到处都是肆意横生的杂草。A full-scale riot was prevented by the timely intervention of the police.大规模暴乱因为警方的及时介入而得到制止。There were patrol cars on the streets and riot police standing by in reserve.巡逻车在街上守候,防暴警察也在一旁待命。Indiscipline among the troops eventually led to a riot.军纪不严最终导致了骚乱。The movie is a laugh riot.这部电影很搞笑。The riot police were met with a hail of stones and petrol bombs.防暴警察遭到一阵密集的石块和汽油弹的袭击。




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