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词汇 rinsed
例句 The tools were rinsed in alcohol.这些工具都用酒精洗过了。I put down the chicken bone and rinsed my fingers in the finger bowl.我放下鸡骨头,在洗指钵里洗了洗手指。She rinsed her hands in cold water.她用冷水洗了手。There was no soap, so I just rinsed my hands with water.没有肥皂了,所以我只是用水冲了冲手。She rinsed her mouth with a solution of salt in water.她用盐的水溶液漱口。He washed the dishes and then rinsed them thoroughly.他洗完这些盘子,然后又把它们冲干净。Before going to bed he had rinsed the remaining dye out of his hair.上床睡觉前,他把头发上残留的染发剂洗掉了。She rinsed the dirt off the lettuce.她用水把莴苣上的泥冲掉。He rinsed the flour from his hands.他冲洗掉手上的面粉。He rinsed out a glass and poured himself a whiskey.他冲洗了一只玻璃杯,给自己倒了杯威士忌酒。He rinsed under the drive of the sharp, jetted shower.他在如注的莲蓬喷流下淋浴。He rinsed the plates carefully and put them on the rack to drain.他仔仔细细把菜盘子冲洗干净,放上架子滴干。She went into the bathroom and rinsed her face in cold water.她走进浴室用冷水洗了一下脸。She rinsed her hair blond.她把头发染成了金黄色。I rinsed the mud out under the tap.我在水龙头下把泥巴冲掉。He soaped and rinsed the car.他将汽车打上皂液然后冲洗。She rinsed out her coffee cup.她冲洗净了咖啡杯。We rinsed out an old bottle and put the letter inside.我们把一个旧瓶子刷了刷,然后把信放了进去。She rinsed the shampoo out of her hair.她冲掉头上的洗发水。He rinsed the contact lens with saline solution.他用盐水清洗隐形眼镜片。Larry rinsed the lather from his skin.拉里冲洗干净皮肤上的肥皂泡。Ella rinsed her hair thoroughly.埃拉彻底地清洗了头发。Rosie rinsed her mouth to get rid of the taste.罗茜漱了口,想把味道去掉。I rinsed my face in the sink.我在洗脸池里洗了脸。He rinsed the soap out of the cup.他用水把杯子上的肥皂冲掉。Mary rinsed out the cup and put it away.玛丽清洗完茶杯,把它放起来了。After her meal she invariably rinsed out her mouth.饭后她总是要漱口。




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