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词汇 Rio
例句 They would be leaving for Rio early next morning.他们明天一早出发去里约热内卢。Rio to São Paulo is just a short hop by plane.乘飞机的话从里约到圣保罗只是很短的一段路。The Rio Grande divides Mexico from the United States.格兰德河是墨西哥与美国的界河。From São Paulo to Rio and back is a round trip of five hundred miles.从圣保罗到里约热内卢往返共有五百多英里。She was marrying into Rio's high society.她要嫁入里约的上层社会。If you're ever/If ever you're in Rio, do give me a call.无论什么时候你到了里约,一定要给我打个电话。Rio was a boom town and trade was thriving.里约热内卢是一个繁荣的城市,贸易蓬勃发展。He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him.他向中央情报局汇报完任务执行情况后就去了里约热内卢。They would be leaving for Rio early the next morning.他们第二天一早要去里约。We had really fantastic weather in Rio.我们在里约热内卢的时候天气确实棒极了。Howard Hawks hit paydirt with 'Rio Bravo'.霍华德·霍克斯凭借影片《赤胆屠龙》一夜成名。She took out all her savings and bought a one-way ticket to Rio.她从银行取出了所有积蓄,买了张去里约热内卢的单程票。He's been making noises about taking us all to Rio, but we haven't heard anything definite.他一直暗示要把我们都带去里约,但是我们却没有听到任何确切说法。His company flew him to Rio to attend the conference.他的公司派飞机送他去里约热内卢参加会议。Rio's world-famous carnival里约热内卢那闻名世界的狂欢节I danced with some kids from Rio.我和一些来自里约热内卢的孩子们跳过舞。San Francisco and Rio de Janeiro are similarly situated, both standing at the entrance to great natural harbours.圣弗朗西斯科和里约热内卢地理位置相似,都是位于天然大港口的入口处。Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.生物多样性是里约热内卢地球峰会上的时髦词儿。Did it cost a lot to fly to Rio?乘飞机去里约热内卢是不是很贵?The prize is an all-expenses-paid trip to Rio.奖品是去里约热内卢的全程免费旅游。Much of what came out of the Rio Summit did not have an immediate effect.里约热内卢峰会的许多决定没有产生即时效果。The delta region of the Rio Grande river was a forsaken land of thickets and swamps.里奥格兰德河三角洲曾是一片遍布荆棘和沼泽的荒废之地。The delta region of the Rio Grande river was a forsaken land of thickets and swamps.里奥格兰德三角洲地区是一片荒弃的土地,遍布灌木与沼泽。The man is now under arrest in Rio.这个人现被关押在里约热内卢。The first prize is a round-trip flight to Rio.一等奖是一张去往里约热内卢的往返机票。Acapulco is a cosmopolitan city with a nightlife that puts Rio to shame.阿卡普尔科是个大都市,其夜生活之繁华让里约热内卢相形见绌。




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