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词汇 今年夏天
例句 This summer has been the hottest on record.今年夏天是有史以来最热的。It was hot last summer—but less so than this summer. 去年夏天很热,但今年夏天更甚。We hit the beach nearly every day this summer.我们今年夏天几乎每天都去海滩。The threat of strikes reared its head again this summer.今年夏天再次显露出罢工的势头。The white blouse will be the mainstay of your wardrobe this summer.白色衬衫将是今年夏天你衣橱里的主要服装。Strawberries are in short supply this summer.今年夏天草莓供应不足。We're going hiking in Scotland this summer.今年夏天我们会在苏格兰徒步旅行。This movie should be the biggest money-maker of the summer.这应该是今年夏天票房最高的一部电影。I got two packets of broccoli seeds to plant this summer.我买了两包西蓝花籽,今年夏天要种上。This summer's global economic crisis will become no more than a footnote in history.今年夏天的全球经济危机只会成为历史的一个注脚。This summer the region was struck by devastating floods.今年夏天这个地区遭受了毁灭性的洪水袭击。This summer no amount of skill and fertilizer could persuade plants to grow.今年夏天即使用上再多的技术和肥料也没法使植物茁壮成长。They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer's festivals.他们准备播放今年夏天节日庆典的独家镜头。I think we've already had the best of the hot weather this summer.我想我们已经度过了今年夏天最舒服的日子。All the films released this summer have been box-office bummers.今年夏天上映的电影都不卖座。They did wrong and this summer will be payback time.今年夏天将是他们为错误行为付出代价的时候。She's got her heart set on going to France this summer.她下决心要在今年夏天去法国。Her work appears at the Museum of Contemporary Art this summer.她的作品今年夏天在当代艺术博物馆展览。The actress is starring in a daffy new comedy this summer.今年夏天这位女演员在一部新滑稽喜剧中担任主演。The UN will sponsor a women's conference this summer.联合国将于今年夏天举办一届妇女大会。He is too busy to get away this summer.今年夏天他太忙了,都没空去度假。We haven't had much of a summer this year.今年夏天一直不是很热。Stephanie took up making jewellery after leaving art college this summer.斯蒂芬妮今年夏天艺术学校毕业后,开始从事珠宝制作工作。Delgado predicts that blonde hair will become trendy this summer.德尔加多预测今年夏天金发将成为时尚。We're going hiking in the Pyrenees this summer.我们今年夏天将到比利牛斯山徒步旅行。In the summer the academy will exhibit several prints that are rarely seen.该学会将于今年夏天对外展出几幅罕见的版画作品。I'm afraid I've let the garden go to pot this summer.很遗憾,今年夏天我让花园荒芜了。We teamed up for a working holiday in Europe in the summer.今年夏天我们结伴去欧洲边打工边度假。We're celebrating the museum's centennial this summer. 今年夏天我们将庆祝博物馆成立一百周年。British holidaymakers are enjoying bargain breaks abroad this summer.今年夏天,英国度假者在国外享受着超值假期。We're planning to take a trip to New York this summer.我们打算今年夏天到纽约去一趟。There are some nice things in the shops this summer.今年夏天商店里有些好东西。Linen is on trend again this summer.亚麻衣料今年夏天再次流行。We're going to do some hiking this summer.今年夏天我们要去远足。Raise a few eyebrows by stepping out in these tiny shorts this summer.今年夏天穿上这条超短裤出门,让别人惊讶去吧。Madonna's collection came to the fore this summer.今年夏天麦当娜的收藏版唱片卷土重来。Oranges are plentiful this summer.今年夏天橙子供应充足。We went scuba diving for the first time this summer.今年夏天,我们第一次尝试了戴水肺潜水。The service should go live this summer.应该会在今年夏天开始提供这项服务。Recently a friend suggested that we team up for a working holiday in Europe in the summer.前不久,一个朋友建议我们今年夏天结伴去欧洲,边打工边度假。




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