例句 |
In human society, our passions are conditioned.在人类社会里,我们的情感是受条件制约的。Rituals form an integral part of every human society.仪式构成了每个人类社会不可或缺的一部分。Human societies, whatever their religious orientation, are based on the necessity of moral virtue.人类社会,不论其宗教倾向如何,都是建立在必要的伦理德性要求之上的。Rituals and festivals form an integral part of every human society.仪式与节日构成了任何人类社会不可缺少的一部分。Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them.人类社会有能力解决面临的问题。She uses her powerful intellect to examine the relationship between human society and nature.她运用自己的聪明才智研究人类社会与自然的关系。 |