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词汇 争夺
例句 We are competing in a market that is shrinking fast.我们在争夺迅速萎缩的市场。We are still in contention for the first division title.我们还在争夺甲级队的头衔。They found themselves competing with foreign companies for a share of the market.他们发现自己在与外国公司争夺市场份额。He is a member of a group that has broken away from the party's leaders in a grab for power.他是在一次权力争夺中与该党派领导人决裂的团伙成员之一。This latest defeat means that she's no longer a contender for the world title.最近一次失利意味着她已经没有机会争夺世界冠军了。Agassi and Sampras resumed their battle for the world's No. 1 position, both winning their opening matches.阿加西和桑普拉斯继续他们对世界第一宝座的争夺,两人在首场比赛中均获得胜利。The countries fought for dominion of the territory.几个国家为争夺这片领土的统治权而战。He plans to contest the world heavyweight title again next year.他打算明年再次争夺重量级世界冠军的头衔。The fight for supremacy in the sport is on.争夺这项体育赛事霸主的竞争开始了。The two are vying for the support of New York voters.两人在争夺纽约选民的支持。He's fighting him for the title.他正在和他进行拳击比赛,争夺这一头衔。There's often a legal tussle over who gets custody of the children.争夺孩子抚养权的法律纠纷经常发生。The comedy is a classic treatment of the battle of the sexes. 这部喜剧是描述男女之间权力争夺的经典之作。Some twenty bikes will race for the prize.约有二十辆脚踏车参加赛车争夺奖品。She could win, since only two people are contesting the seat and the other candidate is very unpopular.她大有希望获胜,因为只有两个人争夺这个位置,而另一个候选人很不得人心。The two teams jousted for first place.两队争夺第一。There's a lot of competition for this job.有许多人争夺这工作。The teams involved are engaged in a tussle for third place in the loop.尚须继续竞赛的各队为争夺联赛第三名而拼搏。The scramble for the film rights to her next novel has already begun.对她下一部小说的电影版权的争夺已经开始了。The companies produce rival versions of the toy.这些公司生产的玩具跟我们的产品争夺市场。I tussled with him for a few minutes and managed to wrench the book from his grasp.我和他激烈争夺了几分钟,终于从他手中夺走了那本书。The upcoming political battle could be for the allegiance of the young.下一场政治较量有可能是为了争夺年轻人的拥护。A fight over their parents' estate drove a wedge between the brothers.争夺父母财产造成了他们兄弟不和。He had to fight several other applicants for the job.他得与其他几个申请人争夺该职位。The fact that he's still trying for the championship is a tribute to his intestinal fortitude.他仍在为争夺冠军而努力,这说明他勇敢顽强,意志坚韧。In the animal kingdom intruders usually lose contests over territories.在动物王国里,入侵者通常在领地争夺中被击败。The battle for the leadership was played out.争夺领导权之战结束了。Brown and White are going head to head for the leadership of the party.布朗和怀特将为争夺党派领导人的位子正面交锋。Neil Phillips will now fight Adams for leadership of the party.如今,尼尔·菲利普斯将与亚当斯争夺该党的领导权。Democrats and Republicans are engaged in a contest for control of the House of Representatives.民主党和共和党正在争夺众议院的控制权。They'll be wrestling each other for the championship.他们将争夺摔跤比赛的冠军。Rival gangs battled for supremacy.敌对的犯罪集团为争夺霸主地位而争斗。They competed for power through a combination of parliamentary and extra-parliamentary methods.他们在议会内外同时下手争夺权力。The top two teams will play off at Twickenham for the county title.成绩最好的两支球队将在推肯汉姆体育场为争夺郡冠军称号一决雌雄。The battle for third place was intense.第三名的争夺非常激烈。They took an invincible lead in the chase for the championship.他们在冠军争夺中处于不可动摇的领先地位。Paris and Milan vie with each other for the title of world fashion capital.巴黎和米兰争夺世界时装之都的称号。Ten years ago the city was paralyzed by gang battles over turf.十年之前,该城市因为黑帮之间争夺地盘而陷入瘫痪。He wrenched the crutch from Jacob, who didn't fight him for it.他猛地抢走了雅各布的拐杖,而雅各布并没有为此跟他争夺The cars jockeyed for position in the first lap of the race. 比赛第一圈时,每辆车都在争夺有利位置。




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