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词汇 乐意
例句 I would love to come, only I'm very busy.要不是我很忙,我会乐意来的。They would show that they were willing to respect the office, much as they might dislike the man.他们要表示出来,尽管他们也许不喜欢这个人,他们却乐意对这个职位表示尊敬。She never usually wore any make-up but, when the occasion demanded, she was happy to gild the lily.她通常不化妆,但如果需要的话,她也乐意画蛇添足地涂抹一番。She would go as soon as not.她可太乐意去了。Anne wouldn't mind going to Italy or France to live.不管是去意大利还是去法国生活安妮都乐意The owners of the building want to sell and are open to offers.这幢大楼的业主们想把房子卖掉并乐意接受报价。We'd have liked to see her taken down a peg, but not this way.我们乐意看到她杀威风,但不是用这种方法。The chef is pleased to cater for vegetarian diets.这位厨师乐意制作素食食品。Why not relax and let me teach you how to windsurf? It's the least I can do.干吗不轻松一下,让我来教你玩帆板?我乐意为你效劳。He repeated that he would also be disposed to stay.他反复强调他也乐意留下来。He keeps playing football despite all his injuries. I guess he's a glutton/sucker for punishment. 尽管浑身是伤,他仍然坚持打橄榄球。我看他是乐意遭罪。If David wants someone to go with him, why doesn't he ask Jacky? I'm sure she'd enjoy it.如果戴维希望有个人陪他去,他为什么不找杰姬呢?我肯定她会乐意的。Is your father willing for you to go abroad?你父亲乐意让你出国吗? He said he's as willing to do it as the next man. 他说他和其他人一样乐意去做那件事。We will be happy to advise on any financial matters.我们会乐意对任何金融问题提出建议。As long as most people are happy to have the monarchy, the abolitionist position is an arrogant fantasy.只要大多数人还乐意保留君主制,废除它的主张就是痴人说梦。Be ready and willing to make compromises between your needs and those of your partner.时刻准备好并乐意在自己与伴侣的需求之间作出让步。She loves playing the piano and will give you a tune at the drop of a hat.她爱弹琴,并乐意随时为您奏一曲。We must respond to well-founded criticism with a willingness to change.对于有根有据的批评,我们必须乐意作出改变。We should be delighted to help in any way we can.我们乐意尽我们所能提供帮助。She's willing to help you but only as a favor to me.乐意帮你,但只是看在我的面子上。We are ready to render them assistance.我们乐意援助他们。John says he'd be happy to give you a hand with the gardening.约翰说他乐意帮你做点园艺活。Like it or not, you'll do as he says. 不管你乐意还是不乐意,你得按他说的做。Be willing to do even mundane tasks.即使平凡的工作也乐意承担。I am happy to clarify any points that are still unclear.乐意对任何仍不清楚的地方进行说明。Perhaps you would like to pay a visit to London.也许,您乐意去游览一下伦敦。We will be more than glad/happy/willing to help you in any way we can.我们会很高兴/乐意/愿意尽我们所能来帮助你。I'm temping at the moment, until I can find a really interesting job.我目前在当临时工,一直到能找到自己确实乐意干的职业为止。They thought the private sector would be happy to invest.他们认为私营部门会乐意入股。I would fain stay at home.我真乐意呆在家里。The students will gladly baby-sit during their free time.这些学生在空余时间会乐意替人照看小孩。Computer customers are willing to pay top dollar for fast repair.计算机用户乐意花高价加急修理。You may come if you like.如果你乐意的话,你就来。He bears you no malice. If you like, I'll just step in and take soundings.他对你不抱恶意。如果你乐意的话,我可插手去试探一下。Hundreds of teenagers volunteer willingly to help in service organizations.数百名青少年志愿者乐意到服务机构帮忙。Lindsey or myself will be happy to answer any of your questions.林赛或者我将乐意回答你们的任何问题。He is ready, even eager, to go.乐意甚至可以说渴望前去。I would gladly have done anything for her.乐意为她做任何事。It's hard work, I enjoy it though.这工作很艰苦,可是我乐意干。




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