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词汇 为什么
例句 What did you come here for anyway?你到底为什么来这儿?Why was she wearing such a low neckline?为什么穿一件领口开得那么低的衣服?He must be wondering why everyone is being so beastly to him.他一定正在纳闷为什么大家都对他如此刻薄。What did you do that for, you stupid sod?为什么要那样做,你这愚蠢的讨厌鬼?I wondered about Richard's seeming reluctance to talk about his family.理查德好像不愿说起自己的家人,我不知道这是为什么He didn't see what all the fuss was about.他不知道所有这些大惊小怪是为什么Have you done your homework yet? If not, why not?你的家庭作业做好了吗?如果没有,为什么没做好?I don't know why I'm eating more - it's not hunger, it's just greed!我不知道自己为什么还想吃——不是因为觉得饿,只是贪嘴!Why don't they stop pussyfooting around and say what they really mean?他们为什么不能不再闪烁其词,说出他们真正的意图呢?Why the change of heart?为什么变了态度?What makes you so sure she'll come back to you?为什么如此确信她会回到你身边?Drawing profiles is somehow easier than drawing the full face.不知为什么画侧面像要比画整张脸容易。It is difficult to account for the big differences in their scores.很难说清楚为什么他们的比分会这样悬殊。Why should we trust a total stranger?.我们为什么要信任一个素昧平生的人呢?I can't think why Grace doesn't like me.我不明白为什么格雷丝不喜欢我。I don't know why they ever got married. They're totally incompatible.我不知道他们为什么结婚,他们根本合不来。Why on earth are you stuck in a college?你究竟为什么非要留在大学里不可呢?Why don't we break now and meet again tomorrow?我们为什么不现在暂停一下,明天再碰头?Yes, I quite agree. Why should poor people pay so much tax?是的,我完全同意。为什么穷人要交那么多税?Why do you dislike her so much?为什么这么不喜欢她?He said angrily that for two cents he would punch your nose.他愤怒地说即使不为什么也要揍你。You haven't told me why you're here.你还没告诉我你为什么在这儿呢。There's no reason why we can't behave in a civilized fashion even though we're getting divorced.虽然我们要离婚,但为什么就不能表现得客客气气的呢?Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting.不知为什么,水彩画似乎仍然比不上油画。The painters try to paint her in vain. Because why?画家们试图给她画肖像,可是没有成功。这是为什么呢?He doesn't take chances; that's why he's survived and most of his imitators haven't.他不做冒险的事;这就是为什么他幸存了下来,而大多数模仿他的人没有。Why not grow your own fruit at a fraction of the price?为什么不自己种水果,比这个价格要便宜很多。Why doesn't the President say so without equivocation?为什么总统不直截了当地说呢?After what she's been through, I can understand why she's lost faith in the legal system.由于她的经历,我能够理解为什么她对司法制度失去了信心。She didn't understand why the TV was kept out of reach of the patients.她不明白为什么电视要放在病人够不着的地方。Why don't you come over and have dinner with us sometime?为什么不找个时间过来和我们一起吃顿饭?Why should those fat cats get rich through our efforts?为什么我们努力劳动却让那些阔佬发财?You feel that it's uneconomic to insist that people work together in groups. Why is this?.你觉得要求大家分组工作不划算,这是为什么呢?Why don't we use some of these pieces of wood to hold it up?我们为什么不用这些木头来撑一撑呢?Why overburden yourself when people are offering to help?既然有人帮助你,为什么还要给自己过重的负担呢?Why not use my car? You'll fit more in.为什么不用我的车呢?能装更多东西。I can't see why everyone gets so het up about football.我不明白为什么每个人都为足球抓狂。You know what this is all about. Why pretend otherwise?你知道这都是怎么回事。为什么还要装呢?All this time I've been half sick about you and why you wouldn't write.我一直非常担心你,一直在想你为什么不来信。Why do I always find myself rooting for the team at the bottom of the league?为什么我支持的队在联赛中总是排名垫底?




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