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词汇 中间
例句 The Prison Service acts as a buffer between the minister and his critics.监狱局在部长和他的批评者中间扮演缓冲角色。Jane sits at the middle desk, between Sue and Karen.简坐在中间的桌子旁,在苏和卡伦之间。Where three roads diverge take the middle branch.到三岔路口时走中间的道。We were sitting in the midst of an elegant and well-dressed audience.我们坐在一群举止优雅、衣着考究的观众中间Just plop the noodles over the centre of the sauce.把面条轻放在调味汁中间就行了。Dad mediated between us all, pouring oil on troubled waters.爸爸在我们中间调停,想要平息风波。The islands lie in the Indian Ocean midway between Madagascar and Tanzania.这些岛屿位于马达加斯加和坦桑尼亚中间的印度洋上。He felt like an impostor among all those intelligent people, as if he had no right to be there.他感觉自己在所有那些聪明人中间像个冒牌货——好像自己无权在那儿。He is always bright and jovial among guests.在客人中间他总是表现得乐天合群。Carefully pull out the centre pages.小心翼翼地抽出中间的几页。She has thin black hair parted in the middle.她稀疏的黑发在中间分出头路。Charlie crossed between the traffic to the far side of the street.查利从车流中间穿过,到了街对面。You should avoid changing tense in the middle of a paragraph.你应避免在一段中间变换时态。Cut off the stalks and all but the most tender inner leaves.把茎和叶都剪掉,留下中间最嫩的叶子。I noticed a patch of dirt in the middle of the rug.我发现地毯中间有一块污斑。He was as skinny a man as I've ever seen.他是我有生以来看到过的人中间最瘦的一个。He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us.他在我们中间煽动了几次内乱。I don't like being sandwiched in between my mother and my wife.我不喜欢被夹在母亲和妻子中间受气。Draw a line down the middle of the page.在这页纸的中间画一条竖线。How many of you would be willing to die for your religion?你们中间有多少人愿意为自己的宗教信仰而捐躯?Most of us actually do come in to work at weekends, like it or not.我们中间的多数人,不管愿意不愿意在周末总是来上班工作。Half-way across the car-park, he noticed she was walking with her eyes closed.走到停车场中间时,他发现她正闭着眼睛走路。There's no sense in any of us collapsing.我们中间任何一个人垮下来都是没有好处的。Overlap the slices carefully so there are no gaps.将切片小心翼翼地搭好,中间不留任何空隙。Peach trees were interspersed among the willows.在柳树中间错落有致地种有桃树。Several young men were kicking a tin can along the middle of the road.几个青年人踢着一个锡罐在路中间走着。He got between them to keep them from fighting.他走到他们中间制止他们打架。There is an agglomerate of bungalows among the high-rises.在高楼大厦中间有一大片平房。Between the two chairs stood a low table.两把椅子中间放着一张矮几。We will see which of us is master.咱们来看看我们中间谁获胜。There's a spot in the middle of my back that itches - can you scratch it for me?我背部中间有块地方很痒,你能帮我挠一下吗?He simply stuck a pin in at random among the names of candidates.他只是在候选人的名字中间随意勾选。Pinball machines are very much in demand by collectors of Americana.弹球机在美国文物收藏者中间是炙手可热的藏品。The miasma of defeat hung over them.失败的气氛在他们中间弥漫。The trumpeter did a brilliant solo in the middle.演出中间小号手进行了出色的独奏。He stopped midway across the room.他在房间的中间停了下来。It is not clear how many of them will be heading back to Saudi Arabia tomorrow.还不清楚他们中间有多少人明天要回沙特阿拉伯。The shelf isn't straight - it sags in the middle.架子不平——中间陷下去了。We saw him in patches for a couple of months.我们一两个月中间或看到他。A surprisingly long time had elapsed between the discovery of the body and the arrival of the police.从发现尸体到警察到场,这中间过去了很长一段时间。




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