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例句 The movie starts with a dramatic car chase across the desert.影片开头是在沙漠中进行的一个戏剧性的追车场面。The Fine Arts degree starts with a foundation year.美术学位的第一年是打基础。It could easily be another year before the economy starts to show some improvement.很可能还要再等一年经济才会开始出现好转。Unfortunately our research has only continued in fits and starts.可惜的是我们的研究只是在断断续续地进行。I can't stand it when someone starts ramming their views down your throat.我受不了别人把自己的观点强加于人。We can ponder over the ways and means before the construction work starts.我们可以在建筑工程开工之前详细考虑各种筹款集资措施。If she starts to cry, pick her up and give her a cuddle.如果她哭了的话,把她抱起来搂一搂。Once a kid starts fighting back and becomes a delinquent, he reaches the point of no return.一旦小孩子开始还手,并成为一名少年犯,那他就无路可退了。The show starts at two in the afternoon.演出下午两点开始。Cook until the sugar starts to caramelize.一直煮直到糖开始变成焦糖。The article starts with a quote from an unnamed member of the Cabinet.文章的开头引用了一位未透露姓名的内阁成员说过的话。We're not sure what starts the process off.我们无法确定是什么开始这一进程的。When we're out, he gets really bossy and starts ordering me around.我们出门在外时,他变得很爱发号施令,开始不停地支使我干这干那。My decrepit car barely starts.我那辆破车几乎无法启动了。Then some overpaid TV airhead starts telling us how wonderful her producer is.接着,有个拿过高薪酬的电视蠢人开始跟我们讲她的制作人是如何如何的了不起。Grill the peppers until the skin starts to char.把辣椒烤到表皮发焦为止。A new semester starts in the fall.新学期秋天开学。I'm not going to talk to him until he starts behaving reasonably.除非他行为像样了,否则我不会去跟他说话。Once he's had a girlfriend for a week or two, he reverts to type and starts chasing other girls.一旦交女朋友一两个星期后,他就会故态复萌又开始去追求其他的女孩。He wants to clear the decks before the election campaign starts.他想在选举活动开始前扫除障碍做好准备。Apply before the rush starts.赶在高峰期开始前申请。Hamlet's soliloquy starts "To be or not to be".哈姆雷特的独白以“生存还是毁灭”开头。Once he starts talking about a subject he just won't let it drop.他一提起个什么事,就没完没了。Deer season starts next week.猎鹿季节下周开始。If Bob starts laying down the law, just tell him to shut up.如果鲍勃开始发号施令,那就叫他闭嘴。Parents feel a mixture of emotions when their first child starts school.当第一个孩子开始去上学时,父母会有一种复杂的感情。My grandmother's all right until she starts sermonizing and then she's unbearable.我祖母人很好,可是一旦她开始长篇大论地说教,就让人难以忍受了。The disease progressed in fits and starts for at least two decades.这种疾病断断续续地持续了至少二十年。My father considers it a point of honor to finish any project he starts.我父亲认为做事要有始有终,这是个荣誉问题。There's still time for us to get to the cinema before the film starts.还有时间,我们能在电影开演之前赶到电影院。If a fire starts in an engine, there is a detection system to pick it up.一旦发动机失火,检测系统就会探测到。Any economic reform, he said, faced false starts and mistakes.他说,任何经济改革一开始都难免会经历失败,难免会出错。He has won his last two starts and he looked a ball of muscle when working in the field.它已经赢了上两场比赛,当它在场上奔跑的时候,看上去非常健硕。The players have a couple of minutes to knock up before the match starts.开赛前运动员有几分钟时间练球。It may be some time before the company starts to make a profit.公司可能要过一段时候才开始赢利。Retirement planning often starts with projected cost-of-living increases.退休规划常常从生活费用上涨的估算开始。A baby does not need to wear shoes until he starts to walk.婴儿在开始走路前不需要穿鞋。He'll grow in confidence once he starts at playgroup.他上了幼儿游戏班自信心就会增强。Once your baby starts toddling you need to be extra careful.一旦孩子开始蹒跚学步,你就需要格外小心了。As soon as I try to work my mind starts wandering.我一想要工作,思想就开小差。




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