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例句 They started off on the trip with a sense of nervous anticipation.他们带着一种不安的预感出发了。If you missed the previous episode, Alistair Cooke starts off each week by recapping the story so far.如果你错过了上一集也没关系,每个星期,阿利斯泰尔·库克都会在节目开始之前简要重述剧情发展。The lift started off, juddered, and went out of action.电梯开动了,接着剧烈震颤起来,然后就毫无反应了。She started off the meeting with the monthly sales report.她在会议开始时首先做了月度销售报告。He started off by introducing himself.他一开始先做了自我介绍。What should I wear on my first day? I don't want to start off on the wrong foot.我第一天穿什么衣服好呢?我可不想一开始就给人留下不好的印象。The lift started off, juddered, and went out of action.电梯启动后震颤了一下,然后就停了下来。She started off down the rickety stairs.她开始走下摇摇欲坠的楼梯。I started off, thumbing my way North.我动身了,一路免费搭车去北方。I'm going to start off by explaining the purpose of our campaign.我将以解释我们运动的目的作为开始。He started off his career as a Texas oilman.他是从做得克萨斯州的石油商起家的。He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire.他开始只经营一家小工厂,如今已成为一个石油大企业的头儿。They started off behaving co-operatively.他们开始配合行动。The group started off at school, sometimes playing in local pubs.这个乐队是在学校时组建的,有时在当地的酒吧表演。He started off by pointing out that we should go to the heart of the problem.他开始谈话时首先指出我们得抓住问题的要害。He started off the game well but seemed to have shot his bolt by half-time.比赛开始时他表现不错,但半场时似乎已经筋疲力尽了。I started off as an apprentice and worked my way up.我从学徒开始干起,逐步上升。He started off dishing out some nice flatteries.他一开始就说了些动听的恭维话。The riders got back on their horses and started off along the track again.骑手重新跨上马,又沿着小道出发了。He started off across the desert.他开始穿越沙漠。I started off as an apprentice.我从学徒开始干起。She quickly composed herself as the car started off.汽车启动后,她迅速平静了下来。She started off as a sales assistant but is now the marketing director.她刚开始只是一名销售助理,但现在已经是营销主管了。His car started off,and a ball of black smoke streamed behind him.他的车开走了,留下了一团黑烟。What made her start off on this weekend marathon?是什么使她卷入到周末的马拉松赛跑中去了呢?The letter started off by thanking us for our offer.信中首先感谢了我们的提议。She started off by accusing him of blackmail but he more or less ignored her.她先是指控他勒索,但他几乎不理睬她。They started off on their journey at dawn.黎明时他们踏上了旅途。I'll start off with a brief intro.我先简单介绍一下就开始。She will start off if she begins.如果让她说起来,她就会说个不停。They started off to church.他们动身去教堂了。The performance started off badly.演出开始时很糟糕。He started off the season as both the kicker and punter.本赛季开始时他既是踢球手又是弃踢手。Let's start off with a few questions from the audience.让我们从观众的几个问题开始吧。Before a theory can be established, it starts off as hypothesis.理论得到确立之前先是假设。We'll start off by doing some warm-up exercises.我们从热身练习开始。I didn't start off on the right foot with the press.我在新闻界并非一开始就一帆风顺。They started off in a southerly direction.他们动身南下。We started off late; to add insult to injury, our car broke down on the way.我们出发得晚,更糟的是,我们的汽车又在路上抛了锚。The games start off as a social event, but players soon become competitive.比赛起先是一项社会活动,但选手们很快就变得互不相让起来。




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