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词汇 start up
例句 They started up in the business as a private detective after he left the police.在他辞掉警察工作后,他们开始从事私人侦探业务。On seeing us come into the room, he started up from the bed.看到我们走进了房间,他从床上一跃而起。Aren't you chancing your arm a bit giving up a secure job to start up a business?你放弃稳定的工作去开办公司是不是有点太冒险了?The mill was started up with scab labor.罢工期间有人坚持上工,使得工厂重新开始运转。Jordan started up a band of his own.乔丹组建了自己的乐队。Last year, he started up a successful fashion house.去年,他开了一家生意兴隆的时装店。The rain started up again.又开始下雨了。The conversation ended when the vacuum cleaner started up.真空吸尘器一开,谈话就结束了。The machines all started up at the same time.所有的机器同时启动了。Many difficulties have started up.一下子出现了许多困难。When are you going to start up something?你打算什么时候开始干点正事?She left the company last year to start up her own business.她去年离开公司去创办自己的企业。The engine of the seaplane started up.水上飞机的发动机启动了。When he heard the bell, he started up from his chair.听见铃声他突然从椅子里一跃而起。A storm started up once we got out into the open ocean.我们一进入公海就下起了暴风雨。There is a lack of people wanting to start up new businesses.有创业意愿的人非常匮乏。Suddenly, an oasis started up before us.突然,一片绿洲呈现在我们面前。Philip and I pooled our savings to start up my business.我和菲利普把积蓄凑到一起开办了我的公司。She wanted to start up a little country pub.她想开一家乡村小酒馆。I went over to start up a conversation, asking her who she knew at the party.我凑过去搭讪,问她这个聚会上都认识谁。The car/engine won't start up.汽车/引擎无法启动。Another skyscraper started up in the centre of the city.市中心又崛起一座摩天大楼。Rory started up the engine and got the vehicle moving.罗里启动引擎,把车辆开动起来。A lot of new restaurants have started up in the region.这个地区有很多家新餐馆开业。As they started up again, the horse broke into a brisk trot.当他们又重新骑上马时,马突然轻快地小跑起来。I'd love to start up a little restaurant.我很想开一个小餐馆。A group of zebras started up by a shot.一声枪响把一群斑马惊得四散奔逃。The driver got back into the car and started up.司机回到车上发动了引擎。Then the pounding started up again on the front door.前门又响起了砰砰的敲门声。Be sure your lever is in neutral before you start up your car.在发动汽车前,你一定要确保汽车的变速杆处于空挡位。He depressed the lever and the crane started up.他按下了操作手柄,吊车就工作起来。He walked out of the theatre the moment the band started up.乐队刚一开始演奏,他就退场了。We packed away the picnic things and started up the engine.我们收拾好野炊的物品,发动了汽车引擎。The programs are aimed at preparing people who want to start up their own business.这些课程的目的是让那些想自己创业的人作好准备。The engine of the seaplane started up.水上飞机的引擎启动了。The footsteps came again, then started up the stairs.脚步声再次传来,然后是上楼的声音。The anti-virus icon should appear whenever you start up your computer.只要一开机就会有杀毒软件的图标出现。I gave the lever a yank, and the machine started up.我猛地一拉控制杆,机器便开动起来。Tax breaks help new companies start up.减免赋税有助于新公司的创立。If you want to start up in business, then now is the time.如果你想创业,那么现在正是时候。




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