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例句 Perspiration started out on her brow.她额上沁出了汗珠。Richard started out at the bottom of the firm and worked his way to the top.理查德从公司低层做起,一步一步升至最高职位。He started out to write a novel.他著手写一部长篇小说。The Lord Chancellor has said legal aid work is for juniors when they start out in the law.大法官曾说过,法律援助工作适合由初涉法律工作、年资较浅的律师来做。What started out as a simple idea has become an expensive and complicated project.最初的一个简单的想法演变成耗资巨大而复杂的项目。We started out making cash registers, but have diversified into computer systems of all sorts.我们开始时生产收银机,但后来扩大经营范围,生产各种电脑系统。The expedition started out before sunrise.太阳出来之前探险队就出发了。I started out as a doctor in 1995.我在1995年开始做医生。We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.我们先研究了让私营企业投资铁路等大型项目的方式。He started out in the maintenance department.他开始时在维修部工作。She started out wanting to be a doctor but became a midwife instead.她起初想做一名医生,但后来成了一名助产士。Oliver started out at five, when it was still dark.五点钟天还没亮时奥利弗就出发了。Like many young actors, I had high hopes when I first started out.如许多青年演员一样,我刚开始的时候也抱有很高期望。Daly was a fast-talking Irish-American who had started out as a salesman.达利是个花言巧语的爱尔兰裔美国人,最初是干推销员的。They started out by looking at the computer screens which display the images.他们开始在显示那些图像的电脑屏幕上寻找。The restaurant started out as a sideline to his main business.这个餐馆开办时只是他主要业务的补充。Kurt had started out playing bass in a rock band.库尔特起初在一个摇滚乐队弹低音吉他。What started out as fun quickly became hard work.开始时的乐趣很快变成了繁重的工作。Philip's boast is that he started out without any outside financial backing.菲利普所引以自豪的是他的起家没有依赖任何外来的资助。The Lord Chancellor has said legal aid work is for juniors when they start out in the law.大法官说,法律援助是刚从事法律工作的初级出庭律师做的工作。He started out with the leaders but at the first fence he dropped back.起跑时他和领先的选手并驾齐驱,但到第一栏时落后了。The movie starts out slowly, but the pace picks up when the two main characters meet for the first time.这部电影开场比较拖沓,但两位主角初次相逢后,剧情节奏便加快了。I knew it was essential to start out on the right foot.我知道一炮打响是至关重要的。All new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention.所有新时尚都是从打破现有常规开始的。Everything started out innocently enough.一切事物在刚开始时都没有什么危害。She started out on a career in teaching.她开始了教书生涯。He started out on a voyage around the world.他开始周游世界。The quarrel only served to strengthen my resolve to start out on my own.这场争吵只是使我更坚定了自己开创事业的决心。You started out by saying that it's easy to get into a good seat at the theatre.一开始你不是说,在剧场里找个好座位很容易嘛。Blood started out of his wound.血从他的伤口涌了出来。He started out as a salesperson before turning to poetry.他转向写诗之前是干推销工作的。Most children start out doing toe pokes, so we train them to use the side of their foot.大部分孩子开始的时候都用脚趾部位大力踢球,所以我们训练他们使用脚侧。The child'll start out by making relatively few distinctions in the language.孩子开始时不太能辨别语言中的差别。I never thought such an old woman could start out of the sofa.我怎么也不敢相信,这么老的老太太能从沙发上一蹦而起。They started out doing free gigs in bars.他们最初在酒吧里进行免费表演。The leaves start out a pale green, and later get darker.树叶开始是淡绿色,后来颜色变深了。I started out across the fields and backtracked the man.我越过田野追踪那人。The parade starts out at the intersection of First and Main.游行从第一大街和主街的交叉口开始。A mouse started out as I went into the cave, which startled me.我刚要走进山洞,一只老鼠突然窜了出来,把我吓了一跳。The day started out grey, with a shower or two.天破晓时阴沉沉的,下了一两场阵雨。




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