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词汇 中心主题
例句 Alienation is a central motif in her novels.疏离感是她小说的一个中心主题This is the focal theme of the play.这是这出戏的中心主题Most of the essays appear to be variations on a few central themes.这些文章大多数都像是几个中心主题的变异。The play's central theme is greed and its corrupting effects.这个剧本的中心主题是人性的贪婪和它的腐蚀作用。The book is organized around a central theme. 这本书围绕一个中心主题展开。The central theme of this novel is the desire for money.这部小说的中心主题是对金钱的追求。Campbell has made health care a central theme in his campaign.坎贝尔在竞选活动中把医疗保健作为中心主题




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