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词汇 两条
例句 Three major rivers have already flooded, and two more are on red alert.三条大河已经泛滥,还有两条已到了红色警戒水位。Don't forget to cross the cheque.别忘了在支票上画两条平行线。Two plaits fall over her shoulders.两条辫子垂在她的肩上。He packed two pairs of trousers and four shirts.他把两条裤子和四件衬衣放进包里。Where do the two rivers join?两条河在什么地方汇合? Draw two intersecting lines that divide the page into four quadrants.两条相交的线,将这一页分成四等份。He set his skinny legs apart and threw back his shoulders.他叉开两条细腿,猛地挺起胸膛。Both runways have been rendered useless by enemy bombings.两条跑道都被敌人炸毁了,已不能使用。The two pieces of rope were unequal in length.两条绳子长度不同。The two rivers eventually conjoin.两条河最终汇流在一起。He received an open citation for saving the lives of two people.他因为救了两条生命而受到公开表扬。They have two show dogs. 他们有两条赛狗。With the coupon you can buy two loaves of bread for the price of one. 用优惠券你可以以一条面包的价格买两条Near the bridge, the waters of the two streams mingled.在桥的附近,两条溪流的水汇合了。Two three-lane roads will be carved through countryside.将要修建两条三车道公路穿过乡间。Both greyhounds ran spectacularly at the track.两条灵【犭是】在赛道上都跑得飞快。Two dogs rushed at Delia, growling and baring their teeth.两条狗扑向迪莉娅,咆哮着露出牙齿。Border tiles with two rounded edges are used for corners.两条圆边的镶边瓷砖用来镶壁角。These two dogs are always scrapping.两条狗总是打架。First, draw two straight lines across the page using a ruler.首先,用尺在这一页上画两条横的直线。Where do the two streams join each other?两条小河在什么地方汇流? Now the murderer has two deaths on his conscience.杀人犯现在因杀害两条人命而受到良心的谴责。His long legs bent up in the confined space.他的两条长腿蜷在狭小的空间里。The old motorway to Glasgow only had two lanes.去格拉斯哥的旧高速公路只有两条车道。Fires broke out at three railway stations, halting service on two commuter lines for several hours.三个火车站发生了火灾,两条通勤线路的服务被迫中断数小时。For, as every general knows, attacking on two fronts at once is the best way to confuse and confound the enemy.因为,正如每位将军所知,同时在两条战线发起进攻是迷惑和击败敌人的最好方法。Joanna parted her hair, and then began to plait it into two thick braids.乔安娜将头发分开,然后开始把它编成两条粗辫子。The two lanes merge going into the tunnel.两条车道会合后引入隧道。Joanna parted her hair and then plaited it into two thick braids.乔安娜把头发分成两股,然后编了两条粗辫子。I have two dogs and a cat.我有两条狗和一只猫。The post office is just two blocks away.两条马路就是邮局。Two walkways projected over the gorge on both sides of the river.峡谷上有两条凌空的栈道,分别位于河的两边。Two cables connect to each corner of the plate.两条电缆连到金属板的每个角上。The army faced the daunting challenge of fighting a war on two fronts.军队面临要在两条战线作战的严峻挑战。He's having an operation to unblock two of his arteries.他正在接受手术,疏通两条动脉。Ed stepped in to separate the two dogs.埃德上前把这两条狗分开。The map charts the course of the river where it splits into two.地图在这条河分成两条支流处标出了水流流向。The two streams join and form a river.两条小溪交汇成一条河。A jogger was savaged by two Rottweilers yesterday.一个慢跑者昨天被两条罗特韦尔狗咬了。She was extremely thin, with thighs that never rub together.她非常瘦,两条大腿从来碰不到一起。




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