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These shortages do not exist to the extent that you report.这些短缺并不像你所报道的那么严重。I became pregnant but this man was very violent towards me to the extent that I lost our baby.我怀孕了,但是这个男人对我非常粗暴,致使我流产了。He could only be sorry to the extent that this affected his grandchildren.这件事甚至都影响到了他的孙辈,他只有伤心的份儿。He studied only to the extent that was required to pass the exam. 他学习只学到够应付考试的程度。He was fearful to the extent that he refused to leave his house. 他吓得拒绝离开他的房子。We may not be able to do it to the extent that we would like.我们也许无法把这件事做到我们希望的程度。Violence increased to the extent that residents were afraid to leave their homes.暴力事件多到了令居民不敢出门的程度。He likes the parquet floor in his office very much, to the extent that he would fall asleep on the parquet floor when he gets tired from working overtime.他很喜欢办公室的拼花地板。加班时累了就倒地就睡。Sales have fallen badly this year, to the extent that we will have to close some of our shops.今年的销售额大幅下降,情况糟糕到我们将不得不关闭一些商店。Someone who wears their heart on their sleeve to the extent that Joanna does is perhaps not everyone's idea of a suitable candidate for the diplomatic service.像乔安娜这么感情外露的人或许不是大家眼中外交工作的合适人选。 |