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词汇 to the full
例句 The company has been successful in exploiting new technology to the full.这家公司在充分利用新技术方面很成功。Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。If you give what you can, I'll make the money up to the full amount.如果你尽力而为,我就来凑足其余的钱。She was such a beautiful young woman and had such a vibrant love of living each day to the full.她是个十分漂亮的年轻妇女,并且总是生气勃勃,酷爱生活。The cart was charged to the full.大马车上装得满满的。He always believed in living life to the full.他一向崇尚要好好享受生活。My aim is to enjoy life to the full.我的目标是充分享受生活。We appreciated to the full the teacher's help.我们非常感谢教师的帮助。There's only one thing we should do with love; experience it to the full for as long as it lasts.对于爱情我们只应有一种态度:趁其尚未消失时尽情享受。He enjoyed life to the full.他尽情地享受生活。They will show him as a regenerate to the full committee.他们将向委员会全体委员证明他是个改过自新的人。Use your abilities to the full.充分发挥你的才能吧。The older people I know don't consider themselves to have one foot in the grave. They are full of optimism and live life to the full.我认识的老年人并不觉得自己行将就木。他们非常乐观,充分享受生活。But the possibilities that emerged were not used to the full.但出现的各种可能情况并没有得到充分利用。He was a guy who enjoyed life to the full.他是个尽情享受生活的人。He used his talents and abilities to the full.他充分施展了他的才能。If you tell a story, you'd better tell it to the full.讲故事最好别掐头去尾。She was a bright, cheery person who always lived life to the full.她是个开朗快乐的人,每一天都过得很充实。She believes in living life to the full.她相信生活就是要多姿多彩。She wanted to exploit that opportunity to the full.她想充分利用这个机会。We were treated to the full measure of her anger.我们领教了她的雷霆大怒。She certainly lives life to the full.她的确是尽可能地享受生活。I enjoyed the performance to the full.我特别喜欢这场演出。Their talents might be exploited to the full.他们的才能可以得到充分的利用。We need to exploit this opportunity to the full.我们要充分利用这次机会。She likes to live life to the full.她喜欢尽情享受生活。Miami is THE place for girls who like to live life to the full.迈阿密是喜欢充分享受生活的女孩的乐园。




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