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词汇 专门
例句 The article spotlights the problems of the homeless.这篇文章专门探讨无家可归者的种种问题。Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races.现在有一个专门的电视网络对大部分比赛进行现场直播。Books about physics are usually written in highly technical language.物理学方面的书籍通常使用非常专门的语言。Ray painted below the waterline with a special anti-rust paint.雷用专门的防锈涂料涂船的吃水线以下的部位。They specialize in management consultancy.他们专门从事管理咨询。The author devotes two chapters to language acquisition.作者用两章的篇幅专门论述语言习得。Don't bother drying the pans - just leave them to drain.不用专门擦干平底锅——让它自己干就行了。You need special tools to open the valve.这种阀门要用专门的工具打开。The hotel's award-winning restaurant specializes in traditional food.那家酒店获奖的餐厅专门供应传统菜肴。We use a special computer program to analyse all the sales figures.我们利用一个专门的电脑程序分析所有的销售数据。The boats are specially built for the disabled.这些船是专门为残疾人制造的。He will have to spend months in a special hospital, drying out.他将不得不在一专门医院呆上几个月戒酒。Randolph's work was exclusively concerned with the effects of pollution on health.伦道夫的著作专门论述污染对健康的影响。Special provision should be made for children.应给孩子在经济上专门作好安排。He constructed his own web pages devoted to teenage cancer.他开了自己的网页,专门探讨青少年癌症问题。I had obtained my first camera for the express purpose of taking railway photographs.我已经买了我的第一架照相机,专门用来拍摄铁路。If you are an independent traveller, we can arrange a tailor-made tour.如果你一个人旅游,我们可以专门安排旅游线路。The company is planning to major on offering the machines we need.这家公司正在计划专门提供我们所需的机械。The event will take place in a specially erected marquee.这个活动将在一个专门搭建的大帐篷里举行。The group wasn't able to interest them in reproducing literature specifically for women.这个团体没能说服他们再版专门面向女性的文学作品。Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her.费伊很上镜,于是戏里专门为她加写了一个角色。This food processor has a special attachment for grinding coffee.这个食品加工器附有一个专门用来研磨咖啡的装置。The book was meant for children, but it is popular with adults too.这本书是专门给孩子写的,但是也很受成年人欢迎。One of the upstairs rooms is given over to storage.楼上有个房间专门用来储藏东西。McCarthy's blend of half-truths and lies ruined many careers in government and the professions.麦卡锡的言论,有的半真半假,有的纯属谎言,毁掉了政府和专门行业里许多人的事业。Most of the garden is given over to vegetables.园子的大片地方都用来专门种蔬菜。The doctor referred the patient to a specialist.这位医生把病人转介绍给专门医生诊治。In our school, we have a gastronomic department that specializes in dealing with the kids' luncheons.在我们学校里,有一个烹饪部是专门管学童营养午餐的。The speech was written specially for the occasion.这篇演讲专门为这个场合而写。The star has a ski slope reserved exclusively for her.这位明星有一个专门留给她的滑雪场地。Special bus and rail services are being laid on to cater for the crowds.正在安排专门的巴士和铁路交通服务以满足群众的需要。St Helen's Hospice, which cares for the terminally ill, is holding a special fund-raising week.专门照顾晚期病人的圣海伦安养院正在举办一个特别募捐周。You can get new parts specially made for these, but it'll cost you.你可以为这些专门定制新部件,但要花很多钱。Psychologists have a name for this kind of behavior.心理学家对这种行为有专门的名称。It's a website devoted to environmental issues.这是一个专门致力于环境问题的网站。The dating agency specializes in finding partners for the young and upwardly mobile.这家婚姻介绍所专门为社会地位正在提升的年轻人士寻找伴侣。The company specializes in the manufacture of high quality writing instruments.这家公司专门生产高质量的书写工具。There's a special brush you can attach to the vacuum cleaner, which is handy for cleaning the stairs.有一种专门的刷子可以装在真空吸尘器上,清洁楼梯很方便。Her parents decided to put her in a special school for deaf children.父母决定把她送进一所专门为耳聋儿童开设的学校。Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places.除草剪刀专门用于修剪缝隙角落里的青草。




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