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例句 By denying these people a decent education, you're losing out on potential captains of industry and political leaders.不让这些人接受良好的教育,就可能失去了未来的工业和政治领袖。I tried to tell them but they wouldn't let me.我想告诉他们,但是他们不让我说。He carefully balanced the satchel so that its contents would not spill out onto the floor.他仔细地把小背包放好,不让里面的东西掉到地板上。He tried to conceal his pain from her.他尽力不让她知道自己的痛苦。She shut out memories of James.不让自己回忆起詹姆斯。I don't let him have sweet fizzy drinks because they tend to make him hyper.不让他喝甜味的汽水饮料,因为常会让他变得亢奋。When she had attempted to cut his nails he resisted.她试图给他剪指甲,他不让Mr. Henry took the initiative in closing the park to cars.亨利先生倡议不让汽车在公园里通行。Why don't you let the child be when he's not feeling well!孩子身体不舒服,你为什么不让他独自安静一会儿! Roberta's mouth twitched as she tried to stop herself laughing out loud.罗伯塔抽动着嘴巴,拼命地忍住不让自己大声笑出来。She'll go to great lengths to keep you from learning her secrets.她会想尽办法不让你知道她的秘密。For some reason, they wouldn't let me help them.出于某种原因,他们不让我帮助他们。Environmentalists, feminists, and others of that ilk regularly try to drive shows like this off the air.环保主义者、女权主义者以及其他的那一类人经常试图不让这类节目播出。We hoped to spare her the pain of having to meet her attacker.为了不让她感到痛苦,我们希望能够避免让她见到攻击她的人。I was given special orders not to let you in.我得到特别命令不让你进入。He wouldn't let me touch the wound.不让我碰伤口。I wanted to protect my father from my mother's hateful words.我想保护父亲,不让母亲憎恨的话伤害到他。We wanted to sneak my dad in, so my mom wouldn't see.我们想帮爸爸溜进去不让妈妈看到。They turned us away at the entrance because we didn't have tickets.由于没有票,他们不让我们进去。He'd learned the way how to defend himself and how to get even.他学会了自卫和不让别人占便宜的办法。I wanted to leave but they wouldn't let me.我想走,但他们不让I tried not to tense up, or become obviously wary.我尽量不让自己紧张,或者表现得非常警觉。The beach has been fenced off to keep people out.沙滩已经被拦起来不让人进入。I kept the children from going out.不让孩子们出去。I was heartbroken when our dog died but I was determined not to be soppy about it.我们的狗死了我的心也碎了,但我决心不让自己对此事过于感伤。They insist on keeping their children out of the public eye.他们坚持不让他们的孩子们抛头露面。The university refused to let Dick Gregory speak on campus.这所大学不让迪克·格雷戈里在校园里发表演说。He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening.他努力不让那个坏消息破坏他晚上的兴致。The king was determined not to let Scotland slip from his grasp.国王决心不让苏格兰脱离出去。He possessed this capacity to separate his real life from the official side of affairs and not mix the two.他有能力把私生活与公务分开,不让两者混在一起。He refuses to let others speak and dominates every meeting.每次开会他都专横跋扈,不让他人讲话。He's always denied himself the simple pleasures in life.他总是不让自己享受生活中的简单快乐。Mom, Joe keeps butting in and he won't let me finish my story.妈妈,乔不停地打断我,不让我把故事讲完。He was fighting the urge/impulse to laugh. 他竭力不让自己笑出来。I've been trying not to think about her but my friends won't let me forget.我一直努力不去想她,但我的朋友们不让我忘记。How can I block those annoying pop-up adverts?我怎样才能不让那些讨厌的广告弹出来?My mother was such a snob she wouldn't let me play with the local children.我母亲真是个势利眼,她不让我同当地小孩玩。Mary winked back her tears.玛丽眨著眼睛不让泪水往下掉。We admitted that the attraction was there, but decided that we would put the feelings aside.我们承认诱惑摆在那儿,但是决心不让感情左右我们。He dragged her into the car, putting his hand over her mouth to muffle her screams.他将她拖进车子,用手捂住她的嘴不让她尖叫出声。




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