例句 |
There's nothing worse than not being able to sleep at night.没什么事比晚上不能入睡更糟糕的。The smart of the wound kept him awake.伤口的疼痛使他不能入睡。Kelli was so nervous about her exam that she couldn't sleep.凯莉很担心考试,紧张得不能入睡。There were several reasons he couldn't sleep. In the first place, Peg snored.他有几个原因不能入睡。首先,佩格打鼾。I couldn't sleep for exquisite pain.我因剧痛而不能入睡。She couldn't sleep, chasing some will-o'-the-wisp thought.她想入非非,不能入睡。Worrying deprived him of sleep.担忧使他不能入睡。I'm often kept up by the noise of laughter and music from next door.我经常被隔壁的笑声和音乐声吵得不能入睡。 |