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词汇 雪地
例句 Children were sliding around in the snow and slush.孩子们在尚未化尽的雪地上到处滑行。In deep snow, people should use snow tyres on their vehicles to give them better traction.在积雪深厚的地方,人们应该给车子装上雪地轮胎以增强轮胎的附着摩擦力。Rabbits had left tracks in the snow.兔子在雪地上留下了足迹。The crisp snow crunched as we walked through it.我们走过雪地时,雪被踩得吱吱作响。Her boots scrunched in the snow.她的靴子在雪地里喀嚓喀嚓地响。The hot sun had glossed the surface of the snow.暖烘烘的太阳照得雪地闪闪发光。I'm looking for a car that handles well in the snow.我想找一辆适合在雪地行驶的车。The child left her tiny footprints in the snow.这孩子把她的小脚印留在了雪地上。Footsteps had scored a diagonal path through the snow.脚印在雪地上留下了一条对角线。Her tracks showed in the snow.她的足迹在雪地上十分明显。You need special tyres on your car for snow.雪地行车需要专门的轮胎。Sarah fell backwards in the snow.萨拉向后跌倒在雪地里。A beggar was lying dead in the snow.一个死了的乞丐躺在雪地里。We trudged to school through the snow, wishing we could be playing in it.我们拖着脚步走过雪地去上学,很希望能在雪地里玩耍。We walked through knee-deep snow to get to school.我们走过齐膝深的雪地去上学。They slogged their way through the snow.他们在雪地中艰难前行。The sleigh jingled away on the snow.雪橇在雪地上一路响着铃铛驶行。They walked along in single file, following in each other's footsteps through the snow.他们排成一列纵队,一个人踩着前一个人的脚印穿过雪地Grandma had a bad fall in the snow that winter.那年冬天祖母在雪地里重重地摔了一跤。The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow.熊猫活动的唯一迹象是它们留在雪地上的足迹。We trudged home through the snow.我们艰难地穿过雪地走回了家。She lay lifeless in the snow.她躺在雪地里,死了。Some snow tyres have metal studs to provide more traction.有些雪地用轮胎装有金属防滑钉以增加附着摩擦力。The children were raring to get out into the snow.孩子们渴望到外面雪地里去玩。The intruder had left some footprints in the snow.闯入者在雪地里留下了一些脚印。She followed his footprints through the snow.她顺着他留在雪地上的脚印走。The children are playing in the snow.孩子们在雪地里玩耍。A trail of blood spotted the snow.雪地上有一行血迹。I followed him, tracking him in the snow until finally he got tired.我跟着他,在雪地里追踪他,直到他最终体力不支。The dead seal's insides were spread all over the snow.死海豹的内脏散落在雪地上。The woods were silent apart from the crunch of our feet in the snow.树林里一片寂静,只有我们踩在雪地上的嘎吱嘎吱声。A few early flowers had peeped up through the snow.几朵早开的花从雪地里探出头来。The truck's wheels skidded on the snow as the driver accelerated forward.当司机往前加速时,卡车轮子在雪地上打滑了。I was trudging through the snow.我在雪地里艰难地穿行。He said his car had got stuck in the snow.他说他的汽车陷在了雪地里。Let's go snowmobiling.我们去开雪地机动车吧。I had seen the sharp fresh footprints in the snow.我看到了雪地里那些新留下来的清晰脚印。They had fled through the snow, and police had followed their footprints.他们穿过雪地逃跑了,警察顺着脚印追踪。We had great fun playing in the snow.我们在雪地里玩得非常开心。It didn't take them long to shovel a path through the snow.他们没有花很多时间就在雪地里铲出一条路来。




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