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例句 How dare he criticize me for having an affair? He's not exactly as pure as the driven snow himself.他怎么敢指责我有外遇?他自己也不是纯洁无瑕的。Tina's quite intelligent, but she's not really serious about her schoolwork.蒂娜挺聪明的,但她学习不是很认真。This isn't the way I expected it to be.不是我所期待的那样。It's not a powerful car but it corners well.车子的马力不是十分强劲,但是拐弯性能很好。You should try to work at an even rate instead of taking it easy one day and working flat out the next.你应该尽量保持平稳的工作速度,而不是一天优哉游哉,第二天就忙得不可开交。This, and the remaining frescoes, are not attributed to Giotto.这个,还有那些残存的湿壁画,都不是乔托的作品。I'm not advising you to throw away your makeup or forget about your appearance.不是建议你扔掉化妆品,或者不修边幅。It came from you, and not out of my own head.这是你想出来的,而不是我的意思。She answered all the questions with yeses and nos.她对所有的问题都用是或不是回答。He still hasn't found a job, but it is not for lack/want of trying. 他仍然没找到工作,并不是因为他没努力找。The tumor is not cancerous.这个肿瘤不是恶性的。Not all delinquencies lead to foreclosure.不是所有未按时还债的情形都会导致丧失抵押品的赎回权。Not all the registered electors actually voted.实际上并不是所有注册选民都参加了投票。The mayor hired a private contractor rather than using city workers to do the job.市长雇了私人承包商而不是市政员工来做这项工作。That wasn't my fault, anyway.反正那不是我的过错。We both had a good sleep on the plane, so the jetlag wasn't too bad for either of us.在飞机上我们俩都好好地睡了一觉,所以时差反应不是太大。We need to be cautious now. This is no time for heroics.现在我们需要谨慎,这不是逞能的时候。For your information, this is my sister, not my girlfriend!你给我听清楚,这是我妹妹,不是我女朋友!He's not exactly a bundle of laughs, is he?他并不是个很滑稽搞笑的人,是不是When I said so, I did not mean to be soft on crime.我说这些话的意思并不是要同情犯罪。It's a case of not what you know but who you know in this world today and qualifications quite go by the board.在当今这个世界,重要的不是你知道什么而是你认识谁,能力才干根本派不上用场。Controlling inflation is not an easy or an exact science.控制通货膨胀不是一项简单的任务,也无法做到完全精确。Such things do not happen every day.这种事情不是每天都会发生的。This is a European, and not a specifically British, problem.这是全欧洲面临的问题,而不是英国独有的问题。The book is based mainly on primary sources rather than secondary sources.这本书主要基于一手资料而不是二手资料。Cheer up! It's not the end of the world.开心点!这又不是世界末日。He is non-resident for tax purposes.不是当地居民,这是为了避税。They have proved they are not a one-man team.他们已经证明他们不是单枪匹马。They know I'm not a shirker.他们知道我不是一个逃避责任的人。We hope for a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.我们期盼一个以法律制度而不是丛林法则来规范各国行为的世界。It would not be in my interest to do it.做这事不是为了我的利益。The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers but to provide work for young people.这个计划不是为了帮助雇主,而是为了给年轻人提供工作机会。I never wanted to be normal. It was not a thing I ever thought desirable.我从来也没有想要正常过。那不是我想做的事。Western dualism values mind over body.西方的二元论更重视思想,而不是身体。Her part wasn't very demanding - she could have played it with one hand tied behind her back.她在戏里的角色要求并不是很高,她能轻而易举地完成。This memo is not meant for circulation.这个备忘录不是用来传阅的。Counselling is a difficult job requiring skill and training.提供咨询不是件容易的事,需要技巧和训练。He sets more by action than by talk.他重行动而不是空谈。Our whole programme is spiritually oriented but not religious.我们的整个节目都是关注心灵的,但却不是宗教性的。I'm no expert on Japan, but I feel sure the economy will improve dramatically.我并不是日本问题的专家,但是我确信它的经济将会有很大改善。




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