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词汇 不断地
例句 He began to lose credibility when he kept changing his mind.不断地改变主意,从而开始失去人们对他的信任。I suffered horrendous hallucinations and flashbacks, and quit using LSD.因为我出现了可怕的幻觉,而且幻觉不断地重现,所以我就把迷幻药戒掉了。Our education programme is in a state of flux, as new approaches are being developed.随着各种新的教学法的发展,我们的教学计划也在不断地变化。They constantly repeat the same mistakes.他们不断地重复同样的错误。The wound discharges constantly.伤口不断地流脓。He was constantly reassuring himself that he had acted for the best.不断地安慰自己已经尽力做到最好了。The child stopped crying and kept on sniffling.孩子止住了啼哭,不断地抽噎着。Children tend to get unsettled if you continually change their routine.如果你不断地去改变孩子们的日常习惯,他们容易变得躁动不安。All night long fireworks soared into the sky.整个晚上焰火不断地升入高空。Enemy fire continued to rain down.敌军的火力不断地如弹雨般倾泻而来。The wound discharged constantly.伤口不断地流脓。He talked constantly about his work.不断地谈到他的工作。Kelvin and his wife have endless rows over money.凯尔文和妻子不断地为钱的事吵架。The schools were fighting endlessly to combat truancy.学校在不断地与逃学作斗争。He kept up a running commentary on my attempt to get the machine going.他对我试图把那辆机器开动不断地发表意见。We can't go on putting more and more taxpayers' money into these projects without giving them some results.我们不能不断地把纳税者的钱越来越多地投到这些工程里,又拿不出什么结果来。She kept curling her handkerchief around one finger.不断地往一个手指头上缠绕手帕。Wave after wave was beating against the shore.海浪不断地拍打着海岸。She's been receiving threatening phone calls.不断地接到恐吓电话。She kept going over the accident again and again in her mind, wishing that she could somehow have prevented it.不断地想起那起事故,希望当时要是能做些什么来避免就好了。My mother constantly warned me not to go into teaching.妈妈不断地告诫我不要去当老师。Evidence that the world's population is increasing faster than ever implies a gloomy prospect for humanity: starvation.证据显示世界人口正以前所未有的速度在不断地增长,这意味着人类将要面临一个令人沮丧的现实,那就是饥饿。The troops were shelled unceasingly.部队不断地遭到炮击。I'll go bankrupt if you kids keep asking me for money!如果你们几个孩子不断地向我要零花钱,我会破产的!My parents kept moving house because of my dad's job.因爸爸工作的缘故,我父母不断地搬家。He drives me mad with his constant criticizing.不断地批评我,把我气疯了。The rain was beating against the windows with renewed force.不断地重重敲打着窗户。Today we are bombarded with advice on what to eat and what to avoid.今天我们不断地听到什么该吃及什么不该吃这一类的忠告。If students constantly fail, the end result is that they switch off any interest in learning.如果学生不断地失败,结果会令他们丧失一切学习兴趣。Our skin cells are continually replaced by mitosis.我们的皮肤细胞不断地通过有丝分裂更新。The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.市场要有活力,需要不断地改变和调整。He makes me mad, the way he keeps criticizing me all the time.他总是不断地指责我,使我很恼火。It's no fun having the world's press constantly beating a path to your door.全世界的记者们不断地蜂拥上门采访你绝不是件有趣的事。These worries plagued him constantly.这些担忧不断地折磨着他。She kept telling herself that nothing was wrong.不断地告诉自己一切都没有问题。Jenny kept begging me for a new bicycle, and I finally gave in.珍妮不断地求我给她买辆新自行车,最后我只好让步。Bears are very inquisitive and must be kept mentally stimulated.熊是一种好奇心很强的动物,必须不断地对其大脑进行刺激。He never has any new ideas but just keeps giving us the same ones warmed over.他从来就没有新主意,只是不断地对我们重弹老调。It was so hot he had to keep stopping to mop his face.天气太热,他只得不断地停下来擦一擦脸。These reports surfaced throughout the summer.这类报道整个夏天不断地出现。




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