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词汇 不同意
例句 If you don't agree with us, sound off!如果你不同意我们的意见,那么就直说好了!She challenged him on his old-fashioned views.不同意他的老派观点。You can disagree about them, and I personally do, but they are great ideas that have made people think.你可以不同意这些看法,我个人也不同意。但它们的确是引发人们思考的好想法。The doctor did not agree that the only solution was to operate.这位医生不同意唯一的解决办法是动手术。The board of directors disapproved the sale.董事会不同意这一出售计划。I don't subscribe to such views.不同意这样的观点。She spoke to the police over the objections of her lawyer.尽管她的律师不同意,她还是向警方讲了。I don't agree with their decision, but all I can do is grin and bear it.不同意他们的决定,但只能默默接受。She revealed her true character when anyone disagreed with her.有谁不同意她的意见她就暴露出真实面目。A majority of respondents said they disagreed with the mayor's plan.大多数调查对象表示不同意市长的计划。If you don't agree with him, don't be afraid to speak your mind.如果你不同意他的看法,尽管说出自己的想法。We disagree with every point Mr Blunkett makes.布伦基特先生提出的观点我们一个都不同意Please don't flame me if you disagree with this message.如果您不同意此郵件的内容,也请不要给我发送恶意回信。He shook his head in mock disapproval.他摇摇头假装不同意When Mother said “No,” my little sister would appeal toFather.当妈妈不同意时,小妹妹总是求爸爸去。I do not argue with the facts, only with the way you explained them.我对事实没有争议,只是不同意你那种说明事实的方式。No, I'm sorry, I can't agree with you.不,很抱歉,我不同意你的看法。I disagree with his reading of what happened.不同意他对所发生事情的看法。I've made this argument, and not a few people would disagree with me.我提出了此论点,而这会是相当多的人都不同意的。I want to make one thing crystal clear – I do not agree with these proposals.有一件事我要说清楚 — 我不同意这些提议。I wanted to get out of the group, but they wouldn't let me.我想退出这个团体,但是他们不同意I asked her to lend us some money, but she wouldn't go for it. 我请求她借些钱给我们,但是她不同意A number of people disagreed.有些人不同意I agree with several points of her argument, while rejecting her conclusions.我同意她的某些论点,但不同意她的结论。Jung and Freud fell out when Jung disagreed with some of Freud's central theories.荣格与弗洛伊德闹翻是因为荣格不同意弗洛伊德的一些中心理论。I disagree with some of her points, but fundamentally she's right.不同意她的某些观点,但她基本上是正确的。Now, wait a moment - I don't agree with that.喂,等等——我不同意那样做。First off I didn't agree with the comments in your email.首先,我不同意你电子邮件里的话。The judge was unwilling that the witness be recalled.法官不同意召回证人。I wish to dissociate myself from Mr Irvine's remarks.我想说明我不同意欧文先生的言论。I understand that some doctors disagree.我得知有些医生不同意I took her silence as a no.我把她的默不作声当作不同意I didn't think the candidate deserved to be given a pass but the other examiners disagreed.我认为不应该给这名应考者及格,但其他考官却不同意She married him even though her parents disapproved.尽管父母不同意,她还是嫁给了他。They disapproved of her dancing at discos and associating with homosexuals.他们不同意她在迪斯科舞厅跳舞并和同性恋鬼混。If my father won't agree to the marriage, we'll just have to elope.如果我爸爸不同意这桩婚事,我们就只好私奔了。They would not consent to my leaving school.他们不同意我辍学。The two parties disprove the theory of the other, but unite in persecuting the dissenter.尽管这两党各自不同意它党的理论,在迫害持异议者这一点上却是一致的。I think that I should sell my car, but he disagrees.我认为我应将汽车卖掉,但他不同意I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.我个人从来都不同意性别有优劣之分的观点。




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