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例句 Women of his own middle class found him overwhelmingly attractive.同属中产阶级的女性觉得他的魅力令人难以抗拒。He wrote a piece that includes some beautiful/haunting melodies.他写了首曲子,其中包括一些优美的/令人难以忘怀的旋律。He's either a liar or he's incredibly ill-informed.他要么在撒谎,要么无知得令人难以置信。He has an impressive job title.他有一个令人敬佩的头衔。She looked distressingly thin.她瘦得令人心疼。It was a glorious winter day - crisp and clear.那是一个令人心旷神怡的冬日——空气清新,阳光明媚。Grossmith's latest novel is unputdownable.格罗史密斯的最新小说令人爱不释手。The planet appeared as a dazzling silver crescent.那颗行星看起来像一个令人眩目的银色月牙。I stopped taking the drug because of its unpleasant side effects.这种药物的副作用令人不适,因此我停止了服用。The woman had a chronic and troublesome cough.那个女人患有令人头疼的慢性咳嗽。There was a tense silence.有一阵令人局促不安的沉默。The book fails to answer the question with any acceptable degree of certainty.这本书对这一问题的回答不够确切,令人难以接受。The biggest excitement of the day was when Joe accidentally set off the fire alarm.那一天最令人感到刺激的事就是乔无意中触响了火警。His appointment to the position of Senior Surgeon was unexpected.他获任命高级外科医生令人意外。I love Mozart's music. I find it very soothing.我喜欢莫扎特的乐曲,我觉得它令人心旷神怡。The evening was climaxed by his memorable speech.令人难以忘怀的演讲把那个晚会推向了高潮。Martin kicked off the proceedings with a stunning performance of his new hit single.马丁以他令人叫绝的新的一垒安打开始了比赛。His last novel was a real page-turner.他的最后一部小说真是令人不忍释卷。This film makes a refreshing change.这部电影令人耳目一新。The scene quickly changed from tearfulness to laughter.场面很快从令人潸然泪下变成了充满欢声笑语。Peart's lyrics are instantly memorable.皮尔特的抒情诗令人过目难忘。There was something dated about him, but it was an endearing quality.他有些老派守旧,但这是一种令人敬重的品质。Since winning all that money he's become a very unpleasant person.自从赢了那一大笔钱之后,他就变成一个令人十分讨厌的人。His behavior was beyond bearing.他的行为令人忍无可忍。The story is a pleasing parable of the problems created by an excess of wealth.这是个令人开怀的寓言,讲的是财富过剩造成的问题。The stage swayed alarmingly under their weight.舞台在他们的重压下令人心惊地摇晃着。His blinding speed makes him a great player.他那令人眩目的速度使他成为一名出色的运动员。Her performance under such stressful conditions was estimable.面临如此大的压力,她的表现令人称道。My job can be very frustrating sometimes.有时候我的工作会令人很沮丧。It was strange, how invisible a clerk could feel.一名办事员会感到如此受人忽视,令人觉得不可思议。The emotional pyrotechnics are dazzling.感情饱满、精彩纷呈之处令人震撼。The swindler is below contempt.这个骗子卑鄙到了令人不齿的地步。Someone staged a queasy protest in here.有人在这里上演了一次令人反胃的示威。The play is a bracing but utterly faithful interpretation of an American classic.这出戏令人耳目一新,但完全忠实地演绎了一部美国经典作品。It was an unsettling show. There was a hallucinatory feel from the start.这是场令人心神不宁的演出,从一开始就给人一种虚幻的感觉。She had been incredibly foolish to tell such things to a total stranger.她把这种事情告诉一个素昧平生的人实在愚蠢得令人难以置信。He presents a truly chilling message in this article.他在这篇文章里呈现了一种真正令人胆寒的思想。She is hardly distinguishable from her twin sister.她和她的孪生姐姐几乎令人区别不出。The conditions they are living in are beyond belief.他们的居住条件令人难以置信。The apartment is unbelievably cheap - there must be something wrong with it.这套公寓便宜得令人难以置信一肯定有什么问题。




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