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词汇 不受欢迎
例句 It was time to go, before we outstayed our welcome.我们该走了,否则就不受欢迎了。Sectors like biotech and engineering are unpopular.生物技术和工程之类的行业不受欢迎Their concert isn't box-office.他们的音乐会不受欢迎Cuts in government expenditure are politically unpopular.削减政府支出在政治上不受欢迎She was, quite deliberately, making him feel unwelcome.她是有意让他觉得自己不受欢迎The iconoclasm of his views made him unpopular.反传统的观点使他不受欢迎The event has not proved popular in past years.在过去的几年里这项活动已证明不受欢迎Lawrence's novel was rejected at first, but it later came to be recognized as a work of genius.起初劳伦斯的小说不受欢迎,但后来逐渐被公认为天才之作。Her vulgarities of talking loudly made her unwelcome.她高声说话的粗俗样子使她不受欢迎Certain estates are labelled as undesirable.某些地产被归为不受欢迎之列。Many British television programmes don't travel well.英国的许多电视节目走出国门就不受欢迎了。His compulsive need to succeed made him unpopular with the rest of the staff.他那种渴求成功的强烈欲望使他在其他员工中很不受欢迎Who is the least popular man around here?.这里谁最不受欢迎He gave me a bed for a couple of nights but I felt I was there on sufferance.他让我住上几个晚上,但我感觉自己在那儿并不受欢迎He has also dared to take unpopular, but principled stands at times.他有时也会大胆坚持不受欢迎、但却有原则性的立场。The Home Office is usually quick to deport undesirables.内政部通常会迅速地将不受欢迎人士驱逐出境。It became clear that they were decidedly unwelcome.情势已经明了,他们确实不受欢迎It came as a rude shock to realize we were not welcome.我们发现自己不受欢迎,大吃一惊。He used to be a popular entertainer, but somehow, he is now at a discount.以前他是个走红的艺人,但是现在不知怎么不受欢迎了。Taxation is not popular in principle, merely acceptable in context.征税原则上说不受欢迎,仅在具体情况下可以接受。The proposals were unpopular and were only accepted in a modified form.这些建议不受欢迎,修改之后才得以接受。Many are tired of being unpopular because of their wealth and would encourage more even distribution of it.很多人厌倦了因为自己的财富而不受欢迎,从而会鼓励更加均匀地分配财富。These policies are unpopular with politicians and people in general.这些政策在政治家和老百姓中普遍不受欢迎People who message a lot feel unpopular if they don't get many back.如果人们发出大量短信但收到的回复却不多,就会觉得自己不受欢迎As a director, he was ahead of his time. His movies are now regarded as classics, but they were unpopular when he made them.作为一名导演,他的思想过于超前。他的那些电影在今天都被视为经典之作,但是在他创作的当年却并不受欢迎In high school, I was very unpopular, and I did encounter a little prejudice.上中学的时候,我很不受欢迎,确实受到了一些歧视。Greg's tendency to be critical made him unpopular with his co-workers.格雷格爱挑剔的性格使他在同事中不受欢迎Certain personality traits made her unpopular.她身上的某些人格品质使她不受欢迎Let's not frighten visitors off by making them feel they're not welcome.我们不要让游客觉得他们不受欢迎,把他们吓跑。The author interrupts her narrative to tell us that the idea for the book had not been well received.作者打断了她的叙述,告诉我们这本书的创作构思以前并不受欢迎For teachers, being unpopular is all part of the game.对教师来说,不受欢迎是这一职业的共性。Despite all the publicity, the show was a flop.尽管做了那么多宣传,这场演出还是不受欢迎The refugees were made to feel like unwanted guests in the country.这个国家令难民们感到他们并不受欢迎As a poet, he was ahead of his time. His poems, now regarded as classics, were unpopular when he wrote them.作为诗人,他走在了时代的前面。他的诗歌当初发表时并不受欢迎,现在被认为是经典之作。Scott had been made to feel very unwelcome on his last visit.上次拜访令斯科特感到他很不受欢迎I had the feeling I wasn't really welcome.我感觉到我其实不受欢迎Her sense of superiority makes her very unpopular.她的优越感让她非常不受欢迎His unpopularity among his colleagues was obvious.显然,他在同事中不受欢迎It seems that we are not welcome here.看来我们在这里不受欢迎It was a huge blow to his ego to find out he was so unpopular.发现自己如此不受欢迎严重伤害了他的自尊心。




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