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We'd better lay in plenty of food in case we're cut off when it snows.我们最好储备充足的食物以防下大雪时供应中断。Several of today's football games have been postponed because of heavy snow.今天有几场足球赛因为下大雪延期了。Heavy snow will mean difficult driving conditions in some areas.在一些地区下大雪意味着将造成恶劣的驾驶条件。Because of the heavy snow, roads in the area were passable only with care.因为下大雪,这一地区的道路在通行时必须很小心。Growing up in New York, I had my share of snow days.在纽约长大的我,也享受了不少因下大雪而放假的日子。It had been snowing heavily all night.整夜都在下大雪。 |