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词汇 朋友们
例句 My friends have supported me through the entire trial.在整个审讯期间,我的朋友们自始至终支持着我。As the show ended, Chris high-fived his friends.演出结束时,克里斯和朋友们举手击掌相庆。After he bought the new car, his friends started to call him a bourgeois.他买了新车之后,朋友们开始称他为中产阶级。Hughes was barraged with phone calls from friends furious at the indiscreet disclosures.休斯的朋友们接二连三地给他打电话,愤怒地指责他轻率地透露信息。His friends used to rib him about his ponytail.他的朋友们过去常拿他的马尾发型开玩笑。Ice-skating with friends is my favorite sport.我最喜爱的体育活动是和朋友们一起滑冰。My friends were insistent that I go. = They were insistent on my going. 朋友们坚决要我去。Rosalind, or Roz to her friends, took the initiative.罗莎琳德,她的朋友们叫她罗兹,首先采取了行动。Her friends are throwing her a baby shower. = They are throwing a baby shower for her.她的朋友们准备为她举办准妈妈送礼会。Make sure your friends know where to get hold of you.一定要让你的朋友们知道在什么地方可找到你。Tell your annoying friends to shove off.叫你那些惹人厌的朋友们走开。Friends rallied to her.朋友们都联合起来支持她。She expects her friends to fall in with everything she wants to do.她希望朋友们事事都能依着她。When she died, her friends wanted to memorialize her in some significant way.她死后,她的朋友们想以某种有意义的方式来纪念她。He would have jumped if his friends had not held him back.要不是朋友们把他拉住,他就已经跳下去了。Friends described Menendez as a straight arrow who rarely drank and was close to his family.朋友们说梅内德斯是一个正直而且坦率的人,极少喝酒,跟家人也非常亲近。Friends called to commiserate when they heard that he had to cancel the trip.听说他不得不取消这次旅行,朋友们都打电话表示同情。He described the event to his friends in excruciating detail.他向朋友们描述了那一事件,详细得简直让人受不了。He had withdrawn from the company of his friends to an alarming extent.他大幅减少和朋友们的来往,已经到了令人担忧的程度。At Christmas, family and friends exchange presents.圣诞节时家人和朋友们互送礼物。You and your friends keep an eye out. If there's any trouble, we'll make a break for it.你和你的朋友们必须要警惕。一有麻烦,我们就逃。He made it known to his friends that he did not want to enter politics.他向朋友们声明他不想进入政界。My four-year-old squabbles with his friends.我那四岁大的儿子和他的朋友们争吵不休。It was a time of trial. Money was short, and friends drifted away.那些日子真是艰难,手头缺钱花,朋友们又都不来往了。His real intentions were unsuspected by his friends.他的真实意图未被朋友们怀疑。Her friends admired her quick wit.她的朋友们都羡慕她的机智。He felt he had been disloyal to his friends.他觉得自己对朋友们不忠诚。They told him to stay home with his wife instead of going out and carousing with friends.他们叫他在家陪老婆,不要出去和朋友们饮酒作乐。My friends thought I had a screw loose.我的朋友们认为我疯了。My friends were offered financial inducements to give the press information.有人用金钱诱惑我的朋友们为媒体提供信息。We waved to our friends through the window.我们隔着窗户向朋友们挥手致意。Influential friends helped him to get a good job.有权势的朋友们帮他弄到一份美差。My embarrassment was a cause/source of great merriment among my friends. 我遭遇的尴尬引得朋友们大笑一场。Friends would always ask her for money.朋友们总向她要钱。She was desperate for money, but she would not descend to asking her friends for help.她急需用钱,但她绝不会降低身份去向朋友们求助。When the baby was born, the proud father cracked a bottle with his friends.孩子出生后,骄傲的父亲打开酒瓶与朋友们共饮。Alice is very free and easy when she's with her friends.爱丽丝和朋友们在一起总是无拘无束的。Her friends gave her a reality check about her boyfriend. 朋友们告诉了她有关她男友的真相。His former friends blanked him in the street after the scandal.那次丑闻之后,以前的朋友们在街上遇到他都不理他了。Friends warned me that having children was expensive.朋友们提醒我说养育孩子很花钱。




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