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They are the only band to combine punk, pop and psychedelia effectively.他们是唯一一支将朋克摇滚乐、流行乐和迷幻音乐有效地结合起来的乐队。A blast of punk rock music assaulted her ears.突然迸发的一阵朋克摇滚乐冲击着她的耳朵。I was never really into punk.我从未真正喜欢过朋克摇滚乐。It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously.最初是朋克摇滚乐促使他正式加入了乐队。They played a truly unique kind of punk rock.他们演奏了一种真正独一无二的朋克摇滚。Punk is passé.朋克摇滚乐过时了。The club attracts punk rockers and others of that ilk.俱乐部吸引了朋克摇滚乐手及同类型的其他揺滚乐手。They went from being angry punk rockers to bland conformists.他们从愤怒的朋克摇滚歌手变成了随波逐流的平庸歌手。She's going through a punk phase right now. 她这阵子正迷恋朋克摇滚乐。 |