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词汇 有魅力
例句 I find life more charming and more astonishing than I'd ever dreamed.我发现生活比我想象得更加有魅力、更加令人惊奇。He's good-looking, but he's not as striking as his brother.他长得很不错,但还不像他弟弟那么有魅力Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion.克劳德是一个很有魅力、见多识广的伙伴。She has the power to charm any man she meets.有魅力令她碰见的每个男子都神魂颠倒。A lot of men find plump women attractive.很多男人觉得丰满的女人很有魅力The ancient palace has a lot of atmosphere.这座古老的宫殿很有魅力She tries to appear to be both glamorous and modest at the same time.她尽力表现得既有魅力又谦逊有礼。He has a lethal combination of ego and charm.他很自信、又有魅力,令人难以抗拒。Susan was attractive and, even better, she was interesting. Not run of the mill at all.苏珊有魅力,而且更可贵的是她还很有趣,一点也不平淡乏味。Mr Sachs is indubitably charming.毫无疑问萨克斯先生很有魅力That actor is so hunky!那名男演员太有魅力了!He spoke with great confidence and charm.他说话时很自信,也很有魅力She is very charming, and skilled in the art of persuasion.她很有魅力,而且很懂得如何说服别人。Despite his charm and eloquence, there was something about him that made him unpopular.尽管他有魅力,而且能言善辩,但他性格中仍有某种东西使人们不喜欢他。He is at his most charming today.他今天最有魅力She was a dish, by my standards, handsome rather than pretty.以我的标准来看,她很有魅力,是端庄,而不是漂亮。They're a perfect couple - Joe has charm and Delia has money.他们是理想的一对—乔有魅力,迪莉娅有钱。I know I was a naive fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally took me in.我知道信任他是因为我太傻太天真,不过他实在太有魅力,我被彻底蒙蔽了。He's very charming but I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.他很有魅力,但我一点都不信任他。Her boyfriend is so dreamy.她的男朋友太有魅力了。Many men are charm itself.很多男人十分有魅力Ray was still in good shape and far more desirable than most men his age.雷状态仍然很好,远比大多数他这个年龄的男人有魅力The old building has a lot of atmosphere.这座古老的建筑物很有魅力He thought that since she'd had children, she'd grown more attractive and womanly.他觉得她生了孩子之后,变得更有魅力和更有女人味了。He was beguilingly boyish and attractive.他散发着迷人的孩子气,非常有魅力Lots of women I know find him attractive.我认识的许多女性都认为他有魅力She's very attractive, though not conventionally pretty.她很有魅力,虽然不是传统意义上的漂亮。I asked Sally if she found Marcus attractive.我问萨莉是否觉着马库斯有魅力As she became more successful, she changed her mumsy hairstyle for something more glamorous.随着事业上的不断成功,她一改落伍的发式,变得更有魅力了。He was witty and very charming.他既风趣又很有魅力I can see he's handsome, but I don't find him very attractive.他长得是漂亮,可我不觉得他很有魅力The girl I chose was not only glamorous, but very determined.我选择的女孩不仅有魅力,而且意志坚定。That actor is such a hunk!那名男演员太有魅力了!I had to use all my charms to get them to lend us the hall.我不得不施展出所有魅力让他们把礼堂借给我们。She walks/talks seductively.她走起路来/说起话来很有魅力He can be very charming, but he is fundamentally a bully.他有时也会表现得很有魅力,但他本质上还是一个恃强凌弱的恶棍。He surrounds himself with attractive, intelligent, or well-known people.他周围全是有魅力、有学问或有名气的人。Now that I could see him close up, I saw that he was very attractive.这时我能够近距离看他了,发觉他很有魅力He's very charming, but that's beside the point.他很有魅力,但那也没用呀。She imagines that she is very charming. = She imagines herself to be very charming. 她自以为很有魅力




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