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例句 Everyone was predicting a Republican win at the last election and look what happened.所有人都预测共和党会在上届大选中获胜,看看发生了什么。The new Board was elected at our last AGM. 新的董事会在我们的上届年度股东大会上选举产生。He took second place behind last year's winner.他位列上届冠军之后,取得了第二名。The last Administration did a lot to curb inflation.上届政府做了大量工作以抑制通货膨胀。The fabric of society has been deeply damaged by the previous regime.社会结构已遭到上届政府极大的破坏。This huge, unfinished building represents the last hurrah of the former regime.这座未完工的巨大建筑是上届政府下台前留下的纪念。She won against determined opposition from last year's champion.尽管上届冠军顽强抵抗,她还是赢了。The game will match last year's champions with their leading rivals.这场比赛将在上届冠军和他们的头号对手之间展开。He was the Secretary of Defense under the last President.他是上届总统手下的国防部长。She won two silvers in the last Olympics.她在上届奥运会上获得了两枚银牌。The bill died in the last Congress.这一议案在上届国会被否决。Unemployment was a key issue during the last election campaign.失业是上届选举中的关键议题。This policy is a holdover from the previous administration.这项政策是上届政府留下的。He lost his seat in the last election.他在上届选举中未能当选。The challenger checkmated the champion and won the tournament.挑战者把上届冠军将死,赢得了锦标赛。He is the only holdover from their last championship team.他是上届锦标赛以后留任的唯一队员。They may have lost their last championship game, but they're determined to win the next time around/round.他们也许输了上届的锦标赛,但他们立志在下届比赛中一举夺冠。Many of the former administration's policies were reversed by the new president.新上任的总统对上届政府的许多政策作了彻底的改变。She was a gold medal winner at the last Olympics.她是上届奥运会的金牌获得者。The previous government had acted illegally.上届政府采取的行动不合法。The previous administration had erected a complex system of trade barriers.上届政府已经建立了一整套复杂的贸易壁垒体系。He was the Secretary of Commerce under the last President.他在上届总统手下担任商务部长。




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