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词汇 一连串
例句 That telephone call set in train a whole series of events.那个电话引发了一连串的事件。They made a trail of protests against the decision.他们对该项决定提出了一连串抗议。The book describes the train of events that led up to the assassination.这本书描述了导致暗杀的一连串事件。The Russian skater finished her routine with a series of spins.这名俄罗斯滑冰运动员以一连串的快速旋转结束了全套动作。It wasn't much of a speech - just a laundry list of accusations against the government.这不算是演讲,只是在将一连串对政府的控诉罗列起来。A string of bad luck had crushed his spirit.一连串的霉运使他意志消沉。He has made a string of outspoken and sometimes provocative speeches in recent years.他近些年发表了一连串直言不讳、有时带煽动性的演说。Page upon page is devoted to the chain of events leading to the Prime Minister's resignation.一页又一页的篇幅都用来描述导致首相辞职的一连串事件。Mark was palmed off with a series of excuses.马克被一连串借口打发了。A series of disasters forced the company to close down.一连串灾难迫使公司倒闭。Crowley maintained a stream of invective and abuse against Waite.克劳利对韦特进行一连串的抨击和谩骂。His stories are just so many lies.他说的只不过是一连串的谎话。He's had a sequence of business failures.他生意上遭遇了一连串失败。Her reply was a barrage of four-letter words.她以一连串脏话回应。Three foreign diplomats have been killed in a series of assassinations.三名外国外交官在一连串刺杀事件中遇害。The book chronicles the events leading up to the war.该书记录了导致这场战争的一连串事件。A series of heated exchanges between the two governments followed.之后两国政府之间发生了一连串激烈的争论。She faced a fusillade of accusations.她面临着一连串的指责。Our forces held fast in a series of fierce clashes.一连串的猛烈交锋中,我部队固守阵地。The whales were showing off with a series of spectacular breaches and splashdowns.鲸群以一连串壮观的跃出和溅落水面的动作炫耀自己。Then began a series of wet days that spoiled our vacation.之后就是一连串的下雨天,把我们的假期弄得一团糟。The woman poured out a torrent of Italian.那个女子冒出一连串意大利语。The system relied on a chain of receiving and transmitting stations running north to south across the country.这个系统依赖全国从北到南的一连串接收台和发射台。A daisy chain of anecdotes introduces the reminiscences.一连串轶事勾起了对往事的回忆。He was too powerful for his opponent, rocking him with a steady supply of left jabs.对对手而言,他实在是太强大了,一连串的左刺拳打得对手踉踉跄跄。The traffic accident led to a chain of events.交通事故引起了一连串的事件。The manufacturers are reported to have received a litany of complaints from dissatisfied customers.据报道制造商已经收到了顾客一连串不满意的投诉。Wait's actions had set in motion a chain of events that would eventually result in his dismissal.韦特的行为引发了一连串的事件,这些事件最后将导致他被解雇。The bank's collapse led to a cascade of business failures.银行倒闭引发了一连串的商业受挫。In a series of very smart, underhand moves, Browne gradually gained control of the company.经过一连串非常巧妙的、不光彩的行动,布朗逐渐控制了公司。A string of recent defeats has plunged the team dangerously near the bottom of the table.最近一连串的失利使该队排名跌至榜尾附近,处境危险。He was subjected to a torrent of personal abuse.他遭到了一连串人身攻击。The government had already set into motion a series of reforms.政府已经开始了一连串的改革。A string of fires plagued the area last summer.去年夏天这个地区遭受了一连串火灾。The peace talks have suffered a series of setbacks.和平会谈遭受了一连串的挫折。He finally sickened of the endless round of parties and idle conversation.他终于对那一连串没完没了的聚会和闲聊感到厌烦了。A spate of books on the subject have come out recently.最近出版了一连串有关这个主题的书籍。The child produced a series of articulate sounds.小孩发出了一连串清晰的声音。The goalkeeper came into his own with a series of brilliant saves.守门员开始进入状态,作出了一连串精彩的扑救。The government suffered a series of political humiliations.该政府在政治上蒙受了一连串的羞辱。




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