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词汇 adhere to
例句 The mud adhered to her shoes.泥粘附在她的鞋上。This principle must be strictly adhered to.必须严格遵守这一原则。All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice.协会的所有成员都坚持严格的行为规范。We will adhere to strict sales ethics, with none of the cold calling that has given the industry such a bad name.我们要严格遵守销售规范,杜绝贸然打电话推销商品的行为,因为这种做法已经败坏了行业的名声。The guidelines were not always fully adhered to.这些指导方针并非总是被完全贯彻执行。The stamp failed to adhere to the envelope.邮票在信封上没粘好。Certain standards must be adhered to by all members.某些标准所有成员都必须遵守。She adhered to her principles/ideals throughout her life.她终生对自己的原则/理想忠贞不渝。She adhered to the strict Islamic dress code.她坚守严格的伊斯兰着装规范。Macrobiotics adhere to a diet consisting primarily of whole grains and beans.长寿饮食法的饮食主要是含胚芽和麸的谷物及豆类。There were several pages that adhered to each other.有几页书黏连在一起了。The mud adhered to his shoes.他的鞋子沾上了泥巴。Conrad adhered to a rather obscure Christian sect based in North Dakota.康拉德信奉一个不知名的源自北达科他州的基督教教派。They will adhere to the terms of the contract.他们会履行合同条款。Families adhered to the values instilled by the church.家庭坚守教会灌输的价值观。We adhered to our original plan of swimming in spite of the bad weather.尽管天气恶劣,我们仍然坚持按预定计划游泳。We decided to adhere to the program.我们决定支持这个方案。There is strict government legislation on dealing that we adhere to very carefully.政府在交易方面有严格的立法,我们一直严格遵守。She adhered to what she had said at the meeting.她坚持她在会议上说过的话。That government adhered to its original plan in spite of the resistance.该国政府不顾阻力坚持按原计划行事。He urged them to adhere to the values of Islam which defend the dignity of man.他鼓励他们坚守伊斯兰教维护人类尊严的价值观。Normally he adhered to the wise practice of never discussing work in progress.他通常都坚持不谈论未完成作品这种明智的做法。The aim is to get each member country to adhere to a single set of rules.目标就是使每个成员国都遵守一套单一的规则。They adhered to the contract.他们遵守了合同。Small particles adhere to the seed.小颗粒牢牢附着在种子上。We must strictly adhere to the terms of the contract.我们必须严格遵守合同条款。Mud adhered to our shoes.我们的鞋上沾著泥。She adheres to a strict vegetarian diet.她严格坚持素食。They failed to adhere to the terms of the agreement/treaty.他们没有遵守协议/条约的条款。This helps the plaster adhere to the wall.这有助于灰泥附着在墙上。The glue would not adhere to the metal surface.这种胶不粘金属面。Most countries have adhered to the convention.大多数国家都遵守这项公约。His followers adhere to a blend of Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian teachings.他的追随者信奉佛教、印度教和基督教这三教教义的融合体。




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