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例句 One day, after years of violent abuse from her husband, she took the law into her own hands.在经受了多年虐待之后,她终于有一天私自报复了她的丈夫。Keith took a map from the dashboard and opened it out on his knees.基思从仪表板上的贮物箱里拿出一张地图,在膝盖上摊开。It took us several hours to teach all the dance moves to the girls.我们花了好几个小时教女孩们所有的舞步。He took some advanced courses to earn college credits.他为了获得大学学分而修了几门高级课程Geologists took samples from the terminus of the glacier.地质学家从冰川的末端提取样本。I took an umbrella as a precaution.我带了一把伞以防下雨。They opened the door to the room, took one look, and decided to go to another hotel.他们打开房门,看了一眼便决定去另一家旅馆。The state took the homes by eminent domain to build the new road.为建新道路,政府根据国家征用权法征用了这些民宅。Since the roads are very bad, the journey took us a long time.由于路况很糟糕,我们路上花了很长时间。I took a walk in the street and drifted among the crowd.我在街上散步,随着人群信步走去。Petronella took the floor with Algie for a foxtrot.彼得罗尼拉和阿尔吉跳起了狐步舞。I took a siesta in the afternoon sun.我在午后的阳光下睡了一觉。The next attack took place four hours later.四个小时后开始了下一波攻击。They took refuge in the fortress.他们在堡垒中避难。She took the book off the shelf and forgot to put it back.她从书架拿了这本书但忘了把它放回去。The news took the city by storm.这消息使全城轰动。All we took with us on our hiking trip were the bare necessities.徒步旅行中,我们只随身携带最基本的生活必需品。Not wanting to seem too eager, Susan took her time about replying to the invitation.苏珊不想显得太急切,于是慢慢才回复请柬。She took the wrong subway and landed on the other side of town.她坐错地铁,到了城区的另一端。They took the time to talk about the loss of Thomas and how their grief was affecting them.他们慢慢谈到了托马斯的死和悲痛给他们带来的影响。The White House said it took such remarks very seriously.白宫表示很重视这种言论。He gave her so much attention that he took her by storm.他对她关怀备至,一下迷住了她。They took a walk, enjoying the beauty of the landscape.他们去散步,欣赏美丽的风景。When her parents died, she took over the family business.父母去世后,她就接管了家族的生意。Some of the people took advantage of their village's closeness to the border and made profits from smuggling.有些人利用自己村子离边境近的优势走私获利。It took five years to drill down to bedrock.耗时五年才钻到了基岩。He took her phone number down on a napkin.他在餐巾纸上写下她的电话号码。I took some beating on the stock market.我在股市上亏了些钱。He took two days off to counterbalance the overtime the week before.他休了两天假以抵消前星期加的班。They took little part in the discussion.他们基本上没有参加讨论。The children took their places, and the teacher began calling the roll.孩子们就座后,老师开始点名。She took a trip to Europe.她去欧洲旅游了。He felt the jerk of the line as a fish took the bait.鱼上钩时,他感到鱼线被猛地拽了一下。It took me some time to get familiar with the layout of the school.我花了些时间才熟悉学校的布局。He took his usual route to work.他照例按平时的路线去上班。Haig took obvious delight in proving his critics wrong.黑格显然以证明他的批评者是错误的为乐。Thousands of people defied a curfew and took to the streets in a display of uncontrolled anger.成千上万怒不可遏的民众违抗宵禁禁令走上街头。She dug into her pocket and took out a pen.她把手伸进口袋里摸索,掏出了一支钢笔。Climbing the first hill took half an hour.爬第一座小山花了半个钟头。We took buses and roamed around London.我们坐公共汽车漫游伦敦。




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