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例句 The punishments accorded with the current code of discipline.处罚与现行的纪律规则一致Check both sets of results to see if they tally.把两组结果都检查一下,看看是否一致All three tests have concordant results.三项检测的结果都一致There were cheers as Whiting was unanimously found guilty.当怀廷被一致认定为有罪时,人群中发出欢呼声。The workers are 100% solid on this issue.工人们在这个问题上是百分之百地一致Her views are in sync with our own.她的见解与我们的一致The songs on the album have an overall consistency of approach.这张专辑的歌曲处理方法总体一致Research has consistently and conclusively shown that speed cameras work in reducing speed and casualties.研究结果一致明确表明,超速摄像头对减慢汽车速度和减少伤亡是有效的。For a self-regulatory system to work, the consent of all those involved is required.一个自我管理的体制要运作起来,必须得到所有相关人员的一致认可。The play opened last week to universal acclaim.这出戏上周上演后获得一致好评。The trial ended with a hung jury.审判结束,陪审团未能作出一致的决定。Yuriko saw eye to eye with Yul on almost every aspect of the production.百合子和尤尔几乎在生产的每个方面都看法一致The control group in the experiment was matched for age and sex.实验中的对照组在年龄和性别上都一致Broadly speaking, we agree about most things.大体上来说,我们就多数事情达成了一致The facts stated by different witnesses harmonize.不同的证人所讲的事实是一致的。Not everyone acts or thinks alike.不是每个人的行动或想法都是一致的。In the end, we all decided to organize a concert for Easter.最终,我们一致决定组织一场复活节音乐会。We may begin to discover overlaps.我们可能开始发现一致的部分了。Their aims are coincident with ours.他们的目标与我们的一致I was surprised by the unanimity of their decision.我对他们的一致决定感到惊讶。By and large, the rules for healthy eating are the same during pregnancy as at any other time.总的来说,怀孕期间健康饮食的原则和其他时期是一致的。Temperature becomes uniform by heat conduction.温度通过热传导变得均匀一致If our schedules coincide, we'll go to Spain together.如果我们的日程安排一致,就能一起去西班牙。We painted our table to match the window frame in the bedroom.我们把桌子刷成与卧室窗框一致的颜色。Check the telephone numbers in case they don't correspond.核对电话号码是否一致There is some discrepancy between the results of the two studies.两项研究的结果有点不一致There is a lack of an integrated national transport policy.缺乏协调一致的全国运输政策。They tried to convert us to their way of thinking.他们试图让我们的思维方式跟他们的一致The governor's statement is totally out of harmony with the mayor's earlier comments.州长的声明与市长早先讲的完全不一致Now that we've agreed on the general principles of our policy, let's get down to specifics.既然我们在政策的基本原则上已取得了一致的意见,那我们就来谈论一下细节问题吧。If I've read the situation correctly, we should have some agreement on the contract by the end of the week.如果我对形势的看法正确的话,周末前我们应该可以就合同达成某种一致Now the governors en bloc are demanding far more consultation and rights over contractual approval.现在,董事们一致要求进行更多的磋商以及在合同审批方面的权利。I made no effort to impose myself on Tissie, to convert her to my attitude.我没有利用蒂西,让她和我态度一致Cultural beliefs about the role of women converge with government policies.文化上对女性角色的看法与政府的政策趋于一致Her account of the accident jibes with mine.她对事故的描述与我的一致Doctors are unanimous about the dangers of this drug.对于这种药物的危险性医生们的看法是一致的。We're all of one mind about him : he's the one we want.我们对他的看法一致:他就是我们要的。The upward trend is consistent with that in most other parts of London.这个上升趋势与伦敦其他大部分地方的趋势一致As overwhelming favourites, Manchester United are on a hiding to nothing.作为被一致看好的球队,曼联队赢了很正常, 输了就亏大了。The teachers speak with one voice when they demand an end to the cuts.教师一致要求停止削减开支。




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