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词汇 一股
例句 Haemifacial spasms are caused by a blood vessel pressing on one of the nerves coming from the brain.半面痉挛是由于血管压迫一股大脑神经造成的。He woke up with a foul taste in his mouth.他醒过来,嘴里一股臭味。There was a foul smell coming up from the river.河里飘来一股臭味。He came running into the house, reeking of sweat.他跑进屋子里,身上一股汗酸味。A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air.一股烟云飘悬在天空中。The final speech had the desired effect, whipping the listeners into a patriotic fervour.最后的演讲取得了预期的效果,在听众中激起了一股爱国热潮。I heard a gush of water.我听到一股水流涌出。There is a dark undercurrent in his songs.在他的歌曲中有一股黑色暗流。He seemed to have an almost manic energy.他似乎有一股近乎疯狂的劲头。Cocoa beans have a bitter flavor.可可豆有一股苦味。There was a pain then, a quick, blinding agony that jumped along Danlo's spine.先是一阵疼痛,接着一股瞬间的剧痛沿着丹洛的脊柱窜了上来。The house was empty, and the rooms had a stale, damp smell.那房子是空的,房间里面都有一股潮湿难闻的气味。To call McCarthyism a fascist atmosphere would be descriptive enough.把麦卡锡主义称之为一股法西斯主义的氛围倒是足以说明问题的。The kitchen smelled strongly of baking.厨房有一股很重的烘烤味。He was acutely aware of the odour of cooking oil.他明显闻到了一股油烟味。A horrible odor assailed our noses. 一股难闻的气味扑鼻而来。It was summer and despite the uncharacteristic chill in the air, the tourists were swarming the beaches.这是夏天,虽然空气中有一股不常见的凉意,沙滩上仍然挤满了游客。A very active cold front brought dramatic weather changes to Kansas on Wednesday.一股强冷空气前锋周三使堪萨斯的天气发生了剧变。The fans rotate inside the housing creating an air flow that generates thrust.风机在外壳内转动,造成一股产生推力的气流。Steam puffed out of the chimney.蒸汽从烟囱里一股一股地喷出来。The second prisoner was a fat-faced beefy fellow who smelled of sweat.第二名囚犯是个胖脸大块头家伙,身上一股汗味。The car left a trail of smoke as it sped off.汽车飞快驶过,留下一股烟尘。He has a strong fighting spirit.他有一股很强的战斗意志。An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。There was the distinct smell of something burning.一股明显的东西烧焦的气味。I got/caught a whiff of new paint when I entered the room.我走进房间时闻到一股淡淡的新漆味。The shower threw a hard tight stream.淋浴喷水器喷出一股急流。A vagrant current carried off their raft.一股无定向的激流把他们的筏子冲走了。He leaned out of an upstairs window and felt a current of warm air ascending from the street.他从楼上的窗户探身出去,感到一股暖空气从街上升上来。There was a strong current of malice in many of his portraits.他的许多肖像画中都透着一股强烈的怨恨。A fountain of blood spurted from the wound in his chest.一股血从他胸部的伤口喷出来。A strange sour smell pervaded the air.一股古怪的酸味弥漫在空气中。The car was torched, sending up plumes of acrid smoke.汽车被点着了,冒起一股股刺鼻的烟。There was an unpleasant smell/odor coming from the basement.地下室里散发出一股难闻的气味。He throws himself into his art with a creative passion.他怀着一股创作激情投身于艺术。I felt a draft from below.我感觉到一股来自下方的气流。This old indestructible conceals an element of iron beneath his flexible charm.这百折不挠的老人在他柔顺迷人外表内隐藏着一股钢铁般的韧劲儿。Those onions are stinking the whole house out.那些洋葱弄得满屋子都是一股难闻的气味。There is a strong west-going tide, even one mile offshore.甚至在离海岸一英里处还有一股向西涌动的强大潮流。He exhaled a billow of cigar smoke.他吐出一股雪茄烟。




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