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He accidentally bumped the table and upset a lamp.他不小心撞到桌子,碰倒了一盏灯。A light glimmered at the end of the passage.走廊的尽头一盏灯闪烁著。The room was lit by only the one light.唯一的一盏灯照亮了房间。The lamp was the only source of light in the room.房间全靠这一盏灯照明。A lamp lightened the gloomy room.一盏灯照亮了阴暗的房间。A light exploded, sending a shower of sparks raining down.一盏灯突然爆裂,无数火星洒落下来。A solitary light shone in the street.街上只亮着孤零零的一盏灯。There is a lamp over the table.桌子正上方有一盏灯。He saw a light in the distance. 他看到远处有一盏灯。The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window.除了三楼的一个窗户亮着一盏灯之外,整座大楼都是黑的。There was a light above the table.桌子上方有一盏灯。There's a light by my bed.我的床边有一盏灯。We'll do with a light if we're going upstairs.如果要上楼,我们就需要一盏灯。He left a light on in the kitchen.他让厨房里亮着一盏灯。There was a light burning in the window.窗里亮着一盏灯。I could see a light in the window of the farmhouse.我可以看到农舍窗户里的一盏灯。A lamp was burning in the kitchen window.厨房窗户里亮着一盏灯。 |