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People can decide how to care for their children, unencumbered by interference from the state.人们可以不受政府干涉地决定如何照顾自己的孩子。He was too full of himself to care about anyone else.他过于狂妄自大,对别人根本不屑一顾。They look too wasted to care about much.他们看上去疲惫不堪,以至于顾不上太多。He did not seem to care.他似乎并不在乎。The old servant fulfilled his master's charge to care for the children.老仆人按照主人的吩咐照料小孩。She can't go out to work because she has to stay at home to care for her elderly mother.她不能出去工作,因为她得在家里照料年迈的母亲。People have a natural instinct to both reproduce and to care for their young.人类在生殖和照料幼儿方面都具有一种自然本能。He seemed to care less and less about the band, and eventually decided to leave.他对乐队似乎越来越不关心,最后决定离开。They hired a nurse to care for her.他们请了一个护士来照顾她。Thousands are dying from disease and starvation and yet no one seems to care.成千上万的人死于疾病和饥饿,然而似乎没有人在意。He says he's old enough to care for himself and he doesn't want to be mothered. 他说他已经长大能照顾自己了,不想再被当作孩子一样呵护了。They make a variety of points, but what their complaints come down to is, no one seems to care.他们提了许多意见,但他们的投诉主要可以归结为一点:似乎没人关心此事。Elsie had to leave her job to care for her sick father.埃尔茜只得辞去工作照顾生病的父亲。I need a practical hair style that's easy to care for.我需要一个容易打理的实用发型。These journalists don't seem to care overmuch whom they hurt.这些记者似乎并不太在乎他们伤害什么人。She continued to care for her father up to the time of his death.她一直照顾父亲到他去世。Lank or naturally oily hair is often difficult to care for.平直或天生的油性头发往往难于护理。He took a few months' leave to care for his sick mother.他请了几个月假照顾生病的妈妈。I went into medicine to care for patients, not to waste time bickering over budgets.我行医是为了治病救人,而不是浪费时间为预算问题争论不休。They don't seem to care a damn about their future.他们似乎一点也不关心自己的未来。I haven't the faintest idea how to care for a snake.我对养蛇一无所知。He doesn't seem to care much about the children's education.他好像对孩子们的教育不大关心。Teach your children how to care for their pets.教你的孩子如何照顾宠物。Who is to care for me when I'm old?我年老时谁来照顾我呢?He is a real sportsman who doesn't seem to care if he wins or loses.他是一位不在乎输赢的具有真正的运动家品格的人。Once upon a time people knew the difference between right and wrong, but nowadays nobody seems to care.从前,人们还知道是非曲直,可是如今似乎没人在乎这些了。Health services have been overburdened and are unable to care for many older people.公共医疗保健服务的负担过重了,因而无法照顾到许多老年人。He seemed not to care.他似乎并不在乎。You don't seem to care if I'm tired.你好像不在意我是不是很累。The government professes to care about the poor.政府自称关心穷人。Kevin arrived right on cue to care for Harry.凯文到的正是时候,可以照顾哈丽。They had several horticulturists on staff to care for the orchard.他们雇了几名园艺师打理果园。It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children.照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。It is one of the only charities to care for Aids patients and ex-prisoners.这是为艾滋病人和刑满释放者提供服务的少数几家慈善机构之一。A lot of people don't seem to care about what is happening to the environment.有许多人好像并不在乎环境会怎么样。As the years went by, he seemed to care less and less about his reputation.一年年过去,他好像越来越不在乎自己的名声。Know how to care for others and how to protect yourself even more.人心存良善,更应懂自保。William was a sulky little boy who seemed to care for nothing except his video games.威廉是个爱生闷气的小男孩,他好像只关心他的电子游戏。I had ceased to care what happened to her.我已经不再关心她发生什么事了。The only thing he seems to care about is money.他好像只在乎钱。 |