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例句 A close friend told me about it.一位密友把这事告诉了我。It's a great movie and it features a Spanish actor who is going to be a world star within a year.这是一部精彩的影片,主演是一位西班牙演员,他不出一年就会成为国际巨星。He had been the victim of a friend's practical joke that had gone wrong.他的一位朋友搞恶作剧捅出了大娄子,他便是受害者。A company official responded to our request.公司的一位高级职员回复了我们的请求。As her parting shot, she said that the other candidate simply did not understand the needs of the city's citizens.她的临别评语是,另一位候选人根本不了解市民的需要。She made the acquaintance of a man from the city.她结识了一位城里来的男人。A young Moroccan stopped by police refused to show his papers.一位被警察拦下的摩洛哥青年拒绝出示他的证件。I've never met a real live movie star before!我以前从未亲眼见过一位电影明星!He was a truly great man.他是一位真正的伟人。One of the passengers had suffered severe bruising and serious cuts.其中一位乘客被严重擦伤和划伤。He is a famous Confucian scholar.他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。A courier arrived with the documents just before the meeting.就在会议开始前,一位信使带着文件抵达了。Every week the magazine presents the profile of a well-known sports personality.该杂志每周都刊登一位体育明星的传略。He is receiving tuition from a well-known artist.他正得到一位著名艺术家的指导。The college has elected a woman as its new president.这个学院选举了一位女性担任新院长。Several months later, another detective made a follow-up call.数月之后,另一位侦探打了个跟进电话。He is a gentleman to his fingertips.他是一位十足的绅士。Her father was a well-known racehorse breeder.她的父亲是一位很有名的赛马驯养师。He would have a nurse in constant attendance day and night.会有一位护士日夜不间断地陪护着他。He arranged for a ballistics expert to be available.他安排人去请一位弹道学专家。A Times reporter yesterday became another victim of road rage.昨天一位《泰晤士报》的记者成了公路泄愤的又一名受害者。Our thanks go to everyone who helped to make this celebration a success.我们感谢每一位为这次庆祝活动成功举办做出贡献的人He became romantically involved with a married woman.他与一位已婚妇女产生了恋情。He wedded a girl from Shanghai.他娶了一位上海姑娘。The people of the Philippines have voted to elect a new president.菲律宾人民已投票选举出了一位新总统。She's married to an actor.她嫁给了一位演员。I suggest you engage the services of a lawyer. 我建议你聘请一位律师。A man had been stabbed to death in a family row.一位男子在一场家庭纠纷中被刺死。A British official said he thought it was an open question whether sanctions would do any good.一位英国官员表示,对于制裁是否能够起到作用,他认为尚无定论。It's the story of a young woman who can't make up her mind which of her many suitors she should marry.这个故事说的是一位年轻女子拿不定主意该嫁给众多追求者中的哪一个。In all the media hysteria, there was one journalist whose comments were clear-sighted and dispassionate.当各种媒体都变得十分狂热时,有一位记者的评论却非常清醒和冷静。It was so strange to see a policeman lying down, without his helmet.看到一位警察没戴头盔躺着很奇怪。One of the guests appeared a few minutes late.其中一位客人来晚了几分钟。She had found an ally in her old teacher.她获得了教过她的一位老师的支持。Britain was in the throes of choosing a new Prime Minister.英国当时正处于挑选一位新首相的混乱时期。He is a remarkable linguist.他是一位杰出的语言学家。After the final game there was a moving tribute to one of the players, who died tragically during the season.最后一场比赛结束后举行了一个感人的纪念活动,以对本赛季中不幸死亡的一位球员表示敬意。An official said the timing of the Prime Minister's visit was coincidental.一位官员说首相访问的时间安排是巧合。She left her baby in the care of an old woman.她把婴孩托给一位老妈妈照管。Paul, a keen sportsman, prided himself on his level of fitness.保罗是一位热衷于体育运动的人,对自己的健康状况感到自豪。




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