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词汇 一举一动
例句 We could observe the behavior of all the animals at close quarters. 我们可以近距离地观察动物的一举一动Anything the US does is likely to have an impact on a global scale.美国的一举一动都有可能产生全球性影响。She had to report her comings and goings to Sister Giuseppe.她不得不向朱塞佩修女汇报她的一举一动Their slightest move was faithfully described.他们的一举一动都被准确地加以描述。The cubs watched their mother's every move.这些幼崽紧盯着它们母亲的一举一动He modeled himself on his father.他模仿父亲的一举一动The police are watching his every move. = The police are watching every move he makes. 警方在监视他的一举一动Daniel's eyes followed her every move.丹尼尔的目光追随着她的一举一动His green eyes followed Cissy's every move.他那双绿色的眼睛紧盯着茜茜的一举一动All evening Jane observed his behaviour closely.简整晚都在密切注视着他的一举一动The supervisor keeps a watchful eye on the workers. 这名主管密切关注工人们的一举一动The way he acts, you'd think compassion was a dirty word.看到他的一举一动,你会认为同情是个令人讨厌的字眼。After that, she was watching his every move.从那以后,她就在监视着他的一举一动Because of their past crimes, everything they do now will be subject to scrutiny.鉴于他们过去的罪行,他们现在的一举一动都要受到严密审查。I'd hate to be someone really famous with the press reporting my every move.那种一举一动都被登上报纸的大名人我可不愿意当。Officially, the guards were there to protect us. In fact, they were there to report on our movements.名义上,警卫在那儿是为了保护我们。实际上,他们在那儿是为了报告我们的一举一动He was fascinated by the actress and tracking her every move had become an obsession.他被这位女演员迷住了,痴迷地追踪她的一举一动His actions have come under intense scrutiny.他的一举一动都已经处于严密的监视中。When he realized he had lost his keys, he retraced in his mind his movements that day.他发现钥匙丢了,就把那天自己的一举一动都在脑子里过了一遍。Most farmers have bank managers breathing down their necks.大多数农场主的一举一动都受到银行经理的密切关注。I felt like the supervisor was watching my every move.我觉得主管在监视我的一举一动She was acting as if she owned the place.她的一举一动好像在说这是她的地盘似的。He's acting like a complete shithead.他的一举一动都像个大傻蛋。The symbolism of every gesture will be of vital importance during the short state visit.在此次短暂国事访问期间的一举一动都将有着至关重要的象征意义。Now that she is famous, everything she does attracts notice.她现在出名了,所以她的一举一动都备受关注。In a small town celebrities live out their lives in a fishbowl.在小城镇里,名人犹如一辈子生活在玻璃鱼缸中,一举一动有目共睹。He is wonderful in the role, filling in his character with great actorly bits of business.他演这个角色简直绝了,一举一动都很传神。All her motions were graceful.她的一举一动都很优美。His goodness shines through his every action.他的一举一动都显现出他的美德。He was under the watchful eyes of several old women.几名年长的妇女紧盯着他的一举一动I closely scrutinized my opponent's every move.我严密观察对手的一举一动His every move was carefully watched.他的一举一动都受到了严密监视。The male keeps a careful watch on their every move.那个男子密切留意着他们的一举一动He goes on as though he's rich.一举一动就好像他很有钱似的。He's a dishonest person who is operating completely out of vindictiveness.他是个骗子,一举一动都完全出于怨恨。




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