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词汇 for the first time
例句 This is a new variety of apple; we're selling it for the first time.这是新品种的苹果,我们第一次销售。Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.记忆中,小溪第一次干涸了。Expect some shrinkage when you wash this garment for the first time.这类衣物第一次洗时,可能会有一定的缩水。They teamed for the first time on this project.他们在这个项目上首次合作。I started working hard for the first time in my life. To my surprise, I found I liked it.我生平第一次开始努力工作。令我惊讶的是,我发现我竟然很开心。He fell from grace for the first time when he was convicted of drink-driving.他被判酒后驾车,第一次失去信任。The portrait is going on public exhibition for the first time.这幅肖像画将首次向公众展出。We met for the first time at a business conference, and we immediately struck up a friendship which has lasted for years.我们在一次商务会议上认识之后便马上建立了友谊,我们的友谊已持续了许多年。I saw their new baby for the first time.我第一次看见他们新生的宝宝。You can never recreate the feeling of winning for the first time.你怎样也无法再次经历第一次获胜时的心情。He was speaking in public for the first time since the death of his wife.这是他自从妻子去世后首次在公共场合讲话。I tried skiing for the first time last winter.我去年冬天第一次尝试滑雪。Seeing the eggs hatch out for the first time is a moment that I will never forget.第一次看到蛋孵化的那一刻令我永世难忘。He was only ten when he strapped on a guitar for the first time.他第一次背上吉他时才十岁。The Act allows children, for the first time, to initiate proceedings.该法案首次允许儿童实施起诉程序。She fulfilled her deepest wish when she flew solo for the first time.她初次独立飞行,实现了自己最深切的愿望。Ten years ago, I went to the tropics for the first time.十年前我第一次到热带去。The Russian and American armies linked up for the first time on the banks of the river Elbe.俄美两军在易北河岸首次会师。He took heroin for the first time when he was on the rebound from a broken relationship.他第一次吸食海洛因是在一次失恋之后的失意期。A few mistakes were only to be expected when you're cooking something for the first time.第一次烧菜出点错也是正常的。Austin stared at him, as if registering his presence for the first time.奥斯汀盯着他,好像第一次注意到他的存在。The airport road is passable today for the first time in a week.机场的路今天是一周来第一次可以通行。Now I use a false name if I'm meeting people for the first time.现在和初次见面的人交往时我会用假名。When I saw his work for the first time, I recognized a kindred spirit.我第一次看到他的作品的时候,我就发现我们趣味相投。I met him for the first time only last week.我上个星期才第一次见到他。Jimmy's gone skiing for the first time. I can just see him coming home with a broken leg.吉米第一次去滑雪,我仿佛能看到他回家时一条腿骨折了。We went scuba diving for the first time this summer.今年夏天,我们第一次尝试了戴水肺潜水。The collection is to go on public display for the first time next month.这批收藏品将在下月首次向公众展出。My daughter, visiting the city for the first time, gasped at the prices of house here.我女儿第一次访问这座城市时,对这里的房价大吃一惊。He came to town for the first time and looked around in wonderment.他第一次进城,惊奇地东张西望。She noticed for the first time how Frederick had aged.她第一次发现弗雷德里克老了很多。That night they made love for the first time.那天晚上他们第一次做爱。Landing on the moon for the first time was a remarkable achievement.首次登上月球是一大伟绩。The children are seeing him in his true colours for the first time now.现在,孩子们第一次看到他的真面目。I'm in love for the first time and it's wonderful.我是第一次谈恋爱,感觉非常奇妙。With the high voter registration, many will be voting for the first time.登记选民数量的上升意味着许多人将第一次参加投票。The two presidents met for the first time to discuss their longstanding border dispute.两国总统首度会晤,就长期以来的边界争端进行协商。I met Greg's wife for the first time.我是第一次见到格雷格的妻子。Ray met my parents for the first time this weekend, and it went really well.雷这个星期第一次见了我父母,一切都很顺利。Most people who see a baseball game for the first time think it's pretty boring.大部分人第一次看棒球比赛都会觉得这种运动相当沉闷。




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