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例句 Yes, I remember Janine. She lived in that house on the corner, and she had a pet rabbit.对,我记得贾宁。她住在街角的那幢房子里,养了一只宠物兔。Yes, of course, my darling.当然可以,我亲爱的。Yes, I want to share my life with you.是的,我想和你共度一生。Yes, Excellency.是的,阁下。Yes, dearest, you're absolutely right.是的,亲爱的,你说得非常对。Yes, I know I've got a ladder in my tights.是的,我知道我的紧身裤袜抽丝了。Yes, I quite agree. Why should poor people pay so much tax?是的,我完全同意。为什么穷人要交那么多税?Yes, we did have our disagreements but that's water under the bridge now.是的,我们确实曾经不和,但那已是陈年往事了。Yes, small farmers are miserably poor at the moment.是的,眼下小农场主极为贫穷。He has produced his own sports magazine called Yes Sport.他出版了自己的体育杂志《是的,体育》。I answered both questions with an emphatic `Yes'.两个问题我都给出了不容置疑的肯定回答。Yes, she used to be married, but she's been divorced since last year.对,以前她是结了婚的,但去年她离婚了。Yes, the secret's out I'm afraid. I'm to be a grandmother.是呀,恐怕秘密泄露了,我要当祖母了。Yes, I did indeed say that.是的,我确实那样说过。Yes? What is it?噢?什么事?Yes, it's raining, but it's only a drizzle.是的,下雨了,但只是毛毛细雨。Yes, the music library burned, three or four double basses burned. It's just unbelievable.是的,音乐图书馆被烧了,三四把低音提琴烧毁了。真是太不幸了。Yes, I was hurt, jealous.是的,我感到伤心、嫉妒。Yes, I do want him to give me the job, but I refuse to beg!是的,我确实想让他给我那份工作,但我不会乞求!Yes, I will marry you.是的,我愿意和你结婚。Yes, we do remember your initial objections, but unfortunately you didn't place them on record.是的,我们确实记得你起初反对过,但遗憾的是你没有把这些记录下来。That was a marvellous show! Yes?演出真不赖! 是不? Yes, you can leave work early today, but don't make it a habit.行,你今天可以提前下班,但是不要养成习惯。Yes, I was there. I don't deny it.对,我是在那里,我并不否认这点。Yes, I thought to myself, it's time to take a holiday.是啊,我自己思忖着,是该休个假了。Yes, can I help you?您好,我能为您效劳吗?"We ought to be getting ready now." "Yes, I guess we ought (to)."“我们现在应该做好准备了。”“对,我想是的。”Yes, I stole your girl, want to make something of it?不错,我抢了你的女朋友,想为此打一架吗?Is it worth reading to our kids when they're busy playing with their hair or their teddy bears? Yes.小孩子在忙着玩自己的头发或玩具熊的时候,你读书给他们听有用吗?有用的。Yes, that's the right answer.对,回答正确。Yes, I'm coming in a moment.好,我马上就来。That was a wonderful dinner. Yes sir. 那真是一次美妙的晚餐。的确如此。Yes, I know you've done all the dishes. Bully for you!是的,我知道你把碗碟都洗了。 有啥了不起的!Yes, you can leave work early today, but don't make a habit of it.好的,你今天可以早点下班,但是不能老这样。Yes, we need a new car, but this huge truck seems like overkill.我们确实需要一辆新车,但这辆大卡车似乎有点太大了。Yes, we've made progress. But there's so much more to do.是的,我们进步了,但是还有很多方面需要努力。Yes, that name rings a bell.是的,那个名字听起来耳熟。Yes, you're a nuisance sometimes, but we love you just the same.是的,你有时令人讨厌,但我们仍然爱你。Yes, I did go out with him, but it was just a fling.没错,我是跟他交往过,可那只是一时的放纵。Yes, think back, he had been careless.是啊,回想起来,当时他太粗心了。




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