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词汇 body
例句 The body remained unidentified until the police checked dental records.直到警察核对了尸体的牙科病历才弄清楚死者的身份。The heart is one of the body's vital organs.心脏是人体的重要器官之一。The blow sent a jolt of pain through his body.这一记重击令他全身一阵疼痛。Her wet dress was moulded to her body.她的湿衣服紧贴在身上。He devoted himself body and soul to the cause.他全身心地投入到这项事业。His body was covered in cigarette burns.他身上全是烟头烫伤。When you sleep, your body has a chance to renew itself.睡觉时人体会自我恢复。The image eventually resolved into the shape of a person's body.图像最终转变成一个人体的形状。His already infirm body was racked by high fever.他已经很虚弱的身体受着高烧的折磨。Her body had the muscle tone of her youth.她保持着青年时代的健壮体格。She sat by the fire and felt the warmth spread through her body.她坐在炉火边,感觉到暖流传遍了全身。She still had the marks from the ropes on her body.她身上仍有绳子绑过的痕迹。We do not believe this is the body of the missing girl, but we have to check to be absolutely sure.我们不认为这是失踪女孩的尸体,但是我们必须查证以绝对肯定。We do not really understand how mind and body interact.我们没有真正理解身体和思想是如何相互作用的。He had a measles rash all over his face and body.他脸部和全身出满了麻疹。Her body lay undiscovered until the next morning.她的尸体直到第二天早上才被发现。He wormed his small body through the hedge.他蠕动他那瘦小的身体钻过了树篱。Mr Price's long body and short arms and legs gave him a rather strange appearance.普赖斯先生躯干部分很长,手脚很短,这使他看上去有点怪。Her battered body was discovered in a field.在田野里发现了她的尸体,生前曾遭到重击。The touch of his hand sent a thrill through her body.他手的触摸让她浑身一阵颤抖。High heels throw the body out of alignment.高跟鞋让身体错位。A dog found the body of a girl in the woods.一条狗在树林里发现了一具女孩的尸体。The villagers believed a devil had taken control of his body.村民相信他已邪魔附身了。Acupuncture has a harmonizing and energizing effect on mind and body.针灸具有协调和激活身心机能的功效。The snow blew against his huddled body.雪花飘打在他蜷缩的身体上。He wormed his small body through the crowd.他忽左忽右地挪着瘦小的身体挤过人群。The victim's body will be exhumed so that a new autopsy can be performed.受害人的尸体将被掘出以便重新验尸。They removed a foreign body from her eye.他们清除了她眼睛中的异物。We communicate a lot of information through body language.我们通过肢体语言传达很多信息。A wolf tore at the body, dislodging great hunks of meat.狼撕咬尸体,扯下大块大块的肉。We have an extensive range of lavender-scented products, including perfumes, body lotions and candles.我们有一系列选择广泛的薰衣草香型产品,包括香水、身体滋润乳液和蜡烛。She had been strangled with her own scarf and her body dumped in the woods.她被人用她自己的围巾勒死,弃尸于树林里。The effect on our blood chemistry is such that it produces physical changes in our entire body.我们血液的化学成分所受影响很大,致使全身都发生变化。She sat up a little straighter, raising her frail body in the bed.她在床上撑起虚弱的身体,稍稍坐直些。The coroner performed an autopsy on the murder victim's body.验尸官对凶杀案受害者的尸体进行了尸检。To see my body literally wither away before my eyes was exasperating.眼见自己的身体日渐衰弱真是让人心烦。We are learning more and more about the effects of radiation on the human body.我们越来越了解辐射对人体的影响。A bird's body is covered in feathers.鸟的身上长着羽毛。The heart circulates blood round the body.心脏使血液在全身循环。The body twitched violently and then lay still.身体剧烈地抽搐了几下之后就一动不动了。




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