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词汇 convention
例句 There was a lot of wheeling and dealing going on at the convention.这次会上有许多钩心斗角。Left-wing extremists have threatened to disrupt the political convention.左翼极端分子威胁说要扰乱这次政治会议。The convention, signed by the six states bordering the Black Sea, aims to reduce current pollution levels.黑海周边六国签署的这份公约旨在降低目前的污染程度。He likes to fly in the face of convention.他喜欢和传统习俗对着干。They followed the Greek convention of pinning gifts of money to the bride's dress.他们遵循希腊习俗,把钱作为礼物别在新娘的礼服上。The country appears to be violating several articles of the convention.这个国家似乎违反了公约中的好几项条款。This practice breaches the arms convention.这一做法违反了武器公约。Houston was chosen as the site for the convention.休斯敦被选作会址。The convention delegates were asked to sign in at the door.大会代表被要求在门口签到。He dresses however he likes and feels unbound by convention.他喜欢怎么穿就怎么穿,不受传统的束缚。The convention bans the stockpiling of biological weapons.该公约禁止储存生物武器。Before the convention, there was debate over the foreign policy and economic planks.会议召开前,人们就外交政策和经济政策准则进行了辩论。Lofgren told a convention of church activists that she wanted the money to be spent on local childrens’ facilities.洛夫格伦在教会积极分子大会上说,她希望这笔钱能用在当地儿童设施上。Amid all the razzle-dazzle of the party convention, it was easy to forget about the real political issues.该政党大会开得很热闹,很容易使置身其中的人将现实政治问题抛到脑后。Each year, the convention is a little larger than the one before.这个会议每年都比前一次的规模大一些。He missed the brass ring at the last convention.他在上次的大会上失去了获胜的良机。The state's youngest delegate to the convention was seated today.这个国家最年轻的大会代表今天就职。She rebelled against convention and refused to marry.她反抗社会习俗,拒绝结婚。Poetry was a great convention of the Romantic era.赋诗为浪漫主义时代的一种流行习俗。The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn.民主党代表大会已经为今年秋季激烈的大选作好了准备。He addressed the annual Republican convention.他在共和党年会上讲了话。He bought some new books at the science fiction convention.他在科幻小说大会上买了几本新书。The convention drafted the President for a second term.大会决定由总统竞选连任。Their friendship began with a chance meeting at a business convention.他们的友谊源于一次行业会议上的偶然相见。The convention is just an excuse for journalistic fun and games.这次集会只是新闻界寻欢作乐的一个借口。Noisy demonstrations disordered the political convention.吵吵嚷嚷的示威游行扰乱了那次政党大会。We go offstage and come back for the convention of the encore.按照加演的传统做法,我们走到后台后又再次返场。She is the club's representative at the convention.她是该俱乐部派来参加会议的代表。Several hundred people are expected at the hotel next month for a huge sales convention.估计有数百人参加下个月在这家酒店里举行的大型销售会议。Her speech will end the convention.大会将以她的演讲结束。The Foreign Minister is going to speak at the convention.外交部长将在大会上发表演说。The Republicans were as high as kites at their convention.共和党人在他们的大会上兴高采烈,如醉如狂。Anna was requested to make the necessary arrangements for the convention.安娜被要求为会议作必要的安排。As a matter of convention, the oldest members speak first.按照惯例,最年长者首先发言。Her speech ended the convention.大会以她的演讲结束。A constitutional convention was elected to try to agree on a new form of government.选举产生了制宪会议,以努力就新的政体达成一致。The convention will end with her speech.大会将以她的演讲结束。He noticed the subtle change in her smile, the turning from real warmth to convention.他注意到她的笑容发生了微妙的变化,从真心的热情的笑变成应景儿的客套表情。The people who attend the convention come from countries all around the world.此次大会的与会者来自世界各国。The mayor will keynote the convention.市长将在大会上作主旨发言。




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