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词汇 conveniently
例句 It was very conveniently situated just across the road from the City Reference Library.它就在市工具书图书馆的马路对面,十分便利。This fact had been conveniently omitted from his account of events.出于方便考虑,他在讲述事件经过时略去了这一事实。He chose Simi Valley in Ventura County mainly because it was conveniently close to Los Angeles.他选择住在文图拉县的西米山谷,主要是因为这里离洛杉矶很近,很方便。The restaurant is conveniently located just a few minutes from my house.那家餐馆离我家只有几分钟的路程,很方便。Several restaurants are conveniently located nearby.有几家餐馆就在附近,非常方便。The little green Fiat conveniently parked on the corner for what was to have been a speedy takeoff.这辆小小的绿色菲亚特牌汽车停靠在一个可以出入自如的街角上,随时准备一下子起动。The hotel is conveniently located near the airport.这家酒店就在机场附近,很方便。There are light switches conveniently placed on each side of the bed.床的两边都设置了方便的电灯开关。They've conveniently forgotten the risk of heart disease.他们有意忽略了患心脏病的风险。He chose Simi Valley in Ventura County because it was conveniently close to Los Angeles.他选择去文图拉县的西米谷,因为那里离洛杉矶很近。The shop is conveniently located just off the High Street.商店就在大街边上,很容易找到。He conveniently omits to mention the payment he received.他知趣地没有提及自己收到的款项。The hotel is conveniently located within walking distance of the beach.宾馆离海滩步行就可以到,很方便。I wore the ring constantly until my fingers and my ideals outgrew it, which conveniently occurred at about the same time.我之前一直都戴着这枚戒指,后来手指变粗戴不下了,刚好这时我也已经不太喜欢它了。They conveniently neglected their responsibilities.他们有意地不理会他们的职责。She conveniently forgot to return the car keys.她故意忘记归还车钥匙。The Prince's tour conveniently omitted the most deprived areas of the city.亲王的巡查为避开麻烦,没有去该市最贫困的地区。The campsite was conveniently situated, close to the beach.营地位置方便,离沙滩很近。The body spray slips conveniently into your sports bag for freshening up after a game.身体喷雾可以很方便地放到运动包里,比赛结束后喷一喷能解乏提神。A boutique and beauty salon are conveniently located within the grounds.时装店和美容院就在区内,非常方便。It is conveniently close to many tourist attractions.这里离许多旅游胜地都很近。Concrete was batched at a conveniently located plant.混凝土在一家位置近便的厂里配料。You conveniently forgot to tell me she was Nick's sister.你是有意不告诉我她是尼克的妹妹。My new place is conveniently located across from a supermarket.我的新居位置近便,就在一家超级市场对面。Butane can be conveniently stored as a liquid in a can.丁烷可以液态的形式方便地储存在罐中。He conveniently ignored the facts that did not support his position.他刻意忽略了那些不支持他的立场的事实。My house is conveniently near the bus-stop.我家就在公车站附近,非常方便。The managers have conveniently ignored these statistics.经理们为图省心而忽略了这些统计数字。With online banking you can conveniently check your balance, transfer money, and pay bills using your smartphone.有了网上银行,你可以方便地用你的智能手机查账、转账和付款。He is a film producer who can't be conveniently pigeonholed.他是个电影制片人,不能把他简单地归于哪一类。At that time, ice cream couldn't be conveniently bought in a store.那时候冰激凌还无法在商店里很方便地买到。He conveniently forgot to tell me he was married.他没有告诉我他已经结婚,想必是有意避之吧。




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