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词汇 Convention
例句 Thousands of Trekkies are expected at the 3-day Star Trek Convention.历时三天的《星际迷航》大会预计有几千名忠实观众参加。The government's action may violate the European Convention on Human Rights.该政府的行为可能会违反《欧洲人权公约》。Since the Convention was drawn up international opinion has begun to move against it.自从该国际公约起草之日起,国际社会就转而对其持反对意见。The UK government was found to be in violation of the European Convention.英国政府被裁定违反了《欧洲公约》。The Democratic National Convention will meet next week to announce their party's candidate for president.民主党全国代表大会将在下周召开,宣布该党的总统候选人。He's determined to speak at the Democratic Convention.他决定在民主党全国代表大会上发言。His speech to the Democratic Convention was a tour de force.他在民主党大会上的演说精彩极了。He said the bombing was in complete disregard of the Geneva Convention.他说此次轰炸完全无视《日内瓦公约》。Poison gas was used, in flagrant disregard of the Geneva Convention.他们公然违反《日内瓦公约》,使用了毒气。The Convention requires signatories to punish genocide when it occurs.会议要求签署方在种族大屠杀发生时进行制裁。Convention dictated that dangerous physical action is the part of heroes, not heroines.惯例要求男主角做危险的身体动作,而不是女主角。The Convention set down rules for deciding which country should deal with an asylum request.会议制定了用以确定由哪个国家负责受理避难请求的规约。The action is an open violation of the Vienna Convention.该行为公然违背了《维也纳公约》。The measures could not be brought forward if they were a contradiction of the Convention on Human Rights.如果这些措施违背了《人权公约》,那就不能实施。Some members of the Convention ordered the arrest of Robespierre.国民公会的一些委员下令拘捕罗伯斯庇尔。Most European countries have signed up to the Geneva Convention.大多数欧洲国家都签署了《日内瓦公约》。The National Convention has promised armed support to any people who wish to rise against armed oppression.国民议会承诺向所有想要反抗武装压迫的人提供武装支持。The film was shown to gasps of rapture at the Democratic Convention.在民主党大会上放映的电影使人们十分欣喜。Moderates are putting it about that people shouldn't take the things said at the Republican Convention too seriously.温和派散布说人们不应该把共和党大会上说的话太当真。The court's decision is in breach of the Convention.法庭的判决违反了公约。This is forbidden under the Convention on Human Rights.《人权公约》禁止这种行为。The Senator's speech at the Democratic Convention was well received.参议员在民主党大会上的发言很受欢迎。The Chemical Weapons Convention supersedes all earlier agreements.《化学武器公约》取代了先前所有的协议。




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